
Jesse's friend. He was Hispanic, sold Jesse his nana's RV.

It was more than a few…word was out about soft touch McGill…

Big time. And the word was already out when Jimmy little

He was good to Chuck, taking care of him. I'm sure that was easy, C had always resented him & that likely came out from time to time.
It follows that would at least good his Mom & Dad.
As for rest, maybe Kim & Marco get loyalty, but it's all up for grabs w the rest.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

They might be. It's a huge risk…great question.


Technically a character in BB w.o an appearance.

Walter got Combo killed.

Tuco has serious impulse-control issues.

The handshake was my WOW

Nacho is Short for Ignacio. Saul's first scene in BB, he mentions Ignacio.

I think his career will burn down. Jimmy's premius went up, but I think Chuck will lose coverage.

That mug mealer's maybe going refer a few his buddies

That mug mealer's maybe going refer a few his buddies

That's pretty good— the broom closet.

Agreed, either that or he had a little crush.

Sadly, when a character like Kim tells off a character like Howard, it usually signals a fall is coming.

And also, Fake Plastic Tree, probably the scientists did not tell every "traveler" to look up the inventor…that might have been said in passing, or just not very often. Maybe very few/only 1 had a visit suggested.

More like a kick in a$$, Ms Beaverhouse