
But still Less pollution

Just like Evie in the afterlife

You're always been great gecko, Matt.

Right. He was resurrecting, so that at least was not part of the group delusion. But Liam dodged the shoe question 2xs, no secondary confirmation about meeting actual dead people.
The rain starting right on time & then stopping could be coincidence… But maybe all the crazier things (Tony the chicken) were just like

Ya, Her family sucked.


I figured If/since she didn't show up in this episode, probably dead w.o further appearances. Time is short.

One tool looking at another

69 is the numeric equivalent of Identical Opposite Twin

He cracked himself up, a little

Bates Motelm ( Carlton Cuse) reference in the bathtub scene, Woot Woot Woot.

No! I was serious when I said fun with symbols. Most the time they can be interpreted lots of ways, Laurie's light going out is on point. And Kevin will need a guiding light.

They were occasionally funny, but their entrance almost always was.

It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission. —Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

Let's get there before Jonathan Banks turns 80

Cleansing fire? OR, scuba water smothers fire…rain does, too. Water, water everywhere. Fun w symbolism.


IKR. Just the best bs metaphor she could come up w to validate Nora the ball squeezer. No offense to Laurie, she had a full plate and then some.

Yeah, he was truly remorseful when he realized…that's always bothered me.

Just one perspective on faith & literalism