It depends on how much you like Laurie, or Amy B.
It depends on how much you like Laurie, or Amy B.
In Catholic grade school they taught 1) the bible is full of metaphors (40 days = a long time) 2) Revelations was not at all literal, 3) Revelations was encoded so as not to increase persecution. For what it's worth.
She didnt press the OZ analysis because when someone's in the middle of a delusion you don't tell them. And in Australia she was surrounded by the delusional. She was never going to believe Kevin came back from dead.
Mr Funny face
To be fair, they only got 8 eps, & were lucky to get them.
If the beach ball had gone onto the field, it would NOT have caused chaos.
Motif of water includes transition. Laurie could end up in a bathtub in Hotel Afterlife. Or just some other anniversary related thing.
Maybe she'll meet a 7-headed sea monster.
But the more powerful ending is the one we just saw.
She looked evil
Those who are addicted can , Tuco2
I love that song…not sure why, I just do
Nope. It's not only that he did the interview, it's how he did the interview. It's his work, and that work grossed a lot of viewers.
Lmao hahahaha
Because his comedy, such as it is, works best in 5 minute viral clips.
That is 100% correct. I've always thought so, too.
Sorry adcdefg, I didn't read ahead when I posted
Kevin saw Kevin Sr on TV. Those would be shared delusions on separate continents, at best. Seems unlikely since Michael witnessed that Kevin was dead at the time.
Why don't you like Michael?
See, I thought the hotel was purgatory…but Jarden does feel like the island to me. Locke was the man of faith, true dat. And now that I really try hard to remember, he was the singleminded type & not too pathetic until right before he got Smoky.
So, I take your point. And somewhere in Season 2 the overall Lost-y feel…
In his defense, Matt believes what he says, a con man doesn't. Matt plays on people's best impulses (may I appeal to your sense of charity), unusual for most cons.
Because he's so singleminded he gets traction.
As Rome falls