His own son called him a fucking coward yet these guys want to sit there and tell us it is different.
His own son called him a fucking coward yet these guys want to sit there and tell us it is different.
I’m a Yankee fan.
We report (on behalf of the team that owes him money but probably won't pay him). You decide (how much you hate him).
So the rapist went #1 but no one will touch this guy with a ten foot pole because he gets sad and/or anxious sometimes?
Asking Kaplan if he’s a journalist is like asking Craig Sager if he’s a fashion model. Kaplan is an embarrassment to Chicago if he thinks he truly represents the “true” Chicago fan. He’s a pud...stick to radio Kap. Go home & change your “cool” colorful socks & your “cool” blue plastic watch. Matt Forte does not have…
Asking one of the most self aggrandizing tools in Chicago sports journalism if he's even a journalist. +1 for Forte
It's well known among people in the Chicago area who watch CSN that Kaplan is the biggest douche in Chicago sports media.... And we have a lot of them
Death also gets in the way of upward mobility.
It’s still unclear if the young woman wanted to be in the photo, or if Winston forced her to be in the photo.
Things That Are Probably Under That Hat, Ranked
Battlestar Galactica
Yes, he hammered the shit out of Oregon, too. They’ve had all spring to update the software on the Goodell-bot and still didn’t get it right.
We need 4 hippos and about 60 watermelons. Now
What I meant was that it seems like it’s increasing, but it’s just awareness that’s increasing. I think we’re in agreement that it happens way too often. It’s not new that there’s a list of people of color who have died at the hands of police in the past year, but it’s new that the average American can name these…
Just doing my job.