
This list is bad and you should feel bad.

I dunno, the way Gomez stayed down suggests two guys, one cup.

Game 4 is Sunday.

These cavaliers sHow a neveR say diE attitudE Once showN a challengE.

Take, like this update, for it is my status, written for you and for many.

“like I give a shit”
Guy sitting by the pillar probably.

Do you think Jim Nantz has ever considered that Sergio Garcia might actually not give a shit about Seve?

I would die of happiness if an entire NFL team big-timed Donald Trump and didn’t show up to the White House. The butthurt twitter rant would be like drugs to me.

So a Seahawk decided to pass at the last minute, huh.

I too will not be traveling with the NFL to Israel.

For a guy without a working finger, he seems easily triggered.

*severely fucks up the part of my body my living is dependent on with a toy for children* im the most scientific mothrefucker out here libs

This is the most Canadian photograph in history

I don’t have anywhere else to put Kellyanne’s shitty Eagles tweets so here are a few of them:

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Er .. what does Gizmodo need to fact check here? It’s a story in part about the NPS reposting a comparison photo of the two inauguration crowds, which the article documents with a screenshot. Are you saying the NPS *didn’t* Tweet that message?

Being used a tool of a foreign government to install an American president they want in power is not doing us any favors.

What do you expect from a cowardly rapist shitting up the Ecuadorian Embassy?