
Let's be honest. Lots of tOSU's fans are racist, hate rap/hip-hop music, and only tolerate the non-white players to the extent that they are performing at the highest possible level. I even remember people calling for Justin Zwick to start over Troy Smith a full season after Troy took the job.

Christianity is, at its core, an immortality pitch.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows the president isn't even close to being a dictator.

Peterson is overrated.

Can we just let these people be at some point?


So talented. I'd love to hear his Mitch McConnell impression.

Sad to see you support suppression of media you disagree with. I think that says a lot about you.

Wrong. You already exposed yourself as being opposed to this movie because you think it's low brow comedy. I'd support releasing any film in the face of threats. I won't live in fear. We never used to be a nation of cowards.

Well you're a coward, so there's that.

If this was about "Obvious Child" you'd be pissed. It's just because it's a film you don't like that you're cowering to people thousands of miles away.

So if you don't like a movie, it should not be released. That's insane.


This is the best thing that has ever occurred on CSPAN.

This story couldn't be more self-congratulatory. Just let people eat in a restaurant in peace. Why didn't she just tell her friend to fuck off.

Let's not burden the courts with this shit. It's a high school game. Get over it.

He's out for the season regardless because of an ankle injury.


Enjoy the following two years, folks. His numbers are going to bounce back so fast once people get a taste of the GOP's next clown.

The real takeaway here is that hashtag activism is bullshit. Still, most of the white people that are using this specific hashtag are allies. There's an effort being made here to contrast the utter obviousness of the injustice done to Garner, Rice, Brown, Martin, etc... with the somewhat less obvious ways in which