
Sad day for Bucks fans too. 86% win percentage against these losers since the dawn of the new's not even fun anymore. Perhaps Bucks and Sparty are the real rivalry now.

It's the system.

Technically, all receptions are initially made with one finger.

At some point everyone will wake up to the fact that RGIII is terrible. Probably soon after he gets traded to the Jets for 5 first round picks, proceeding to cement Woody Johnson as the dumbest owner in football.

This sounds like the type of demonstration that should happen at homeschool...where you can also teach your kid about Agenda 21 and the War of Northern Aggression.

I bet he could take that elk in a fist/hoof fight.

Possibly the best Deadspin headline of all time.

Best Prez Evar!

I'm just gonna go ahead and refer to this asshat as "the felon" from now on.

Fine, but has anyone looked into the relationship between Ebola and gluten? These are the questions...

Tre Mason, bro. TRE FUCKIN' MASON!!!!

My girlfriend and I love this show almost solely because of Steve. He is so fucking funny.

No one cares about MLS.

What if the Buckeye offense is even better without Braxton?

More deserving of an nba team than Cleveland.

Draft 5 wins.

Lol at the compliance officer. These people are leaches.

Watching this is the single worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life.

The people that complete these hundreds are true warriors and are living their lives to the absolute fullest. Props to them.