asocalguy redux

Remember oysters? We used to pave streets with ground oyster shells. We canned them. Now they are a delicacy. Almonds are next.

You're so full of shit, I'm wondering if you do it professionally...?

I only care if they're driving under the influence. That shit is Not Cool.

So you're against clearly marked exit signs?

Boy, that story took a sharp right turn for the surreal with the bit about the federal government forcing grannies to bake cakes. That's some disturbingly tasty totalitarianism right there. Boooooo, jack-booted fascists! Yaaaaaay, buttercream frosting!

TKDR was thoroughly mediocre and I didn't like it at all.

Considering the level of science education in this country, high school props may be beyond the audience.

what gets me about Event Horizon is how fucking close to OMG awesome is was while still being oh, so so bad.

The twist is that the author of this e-mail was Tyler the entire time (spoiler alert).

Because relying solely on telling women they were raped because they didn't do enough to prevent it isn't the answer, either.

Oh great. The place isn't even that old and it's already haunted.

Needs more syphilis.

I'll never get enough of those absurdly oversized hats.

That's horrible. But its also completely irrelevant to whether or not it was ok for this cop to shoot an unarmed man with his hands up.

So are you ever going to come back and address how your "graph" is purposely misleading? You should be ashamed to show your face in public.

No, by trolling I mean willfully ignoring logic, reason, research, reams and ream of data, and focusing on a graph that suspiciously appears nowhere except anti-vax blog posts with no sourcing, for your own amusement, instead of doing it because you're that stupid.

Or the factory that produces boy bands.

I guess their new secret base is located in The Uncanny Valley.

I've worked in Customer Service - I'd rather DIE than go back. The polite customers? They get ALL the NOMS. They get everything that is in the power of the customer service rep to offer - I would KILL myself helping someone polite and in need of help because everyone else was such a fresh piece of excrement.

oh my god stop talking before I put a cocktail fork through your temple.