asocalguy redux

And Jeb Bush as Bucky.

Aww, look at Crucial99 everybody. Isn't he just trying his hardest!!

You did it wrong! It’s supposed to be “Paranoid schizophrenia isn’t sociopathy, Charlie Brown.”

I think FMM assumes the guys have some amount of dick control and stamina. Otherwise why bother. Ya know?

Thanks. I appreciate that! In retrospect it makes me wish I had hooked up with a couple of girls I had the chance to but I know that would have just been a mess. It’s really strange to go from feeling like we were so connected on so many levels to feeling utterly disconnected now. It makes me feel like that was a bit

I always had a hard enough time getting one woman to sleep with me; let alone two. I’m not a bad looking guy; I’m just a little awkward and lack mojo. I literally can’t imagine what it would be like to be with two women at the same time.

Yeah but you say that as if we just now realized that this would be a problem. The real problem to solve here is the industrial resistance to change that has (totally foreseeably) gotten us where we are. The population of California is 40 million. The amount of effort, education, local oversight, PSAs, mailers, etc

It's comments like these that make it perfectly clear that you're just a racist white guy posing as a black dude. Lol

Well I got bored since you didn't want to have a conversation about your weak, weak trolling. :-b

Should granny be required to, say, have parking for the disabled in her parking lot?

Yaaaaaay, buttercream frosting!

You really are gutless. Can't handle a little open dialog so you dismiss my comments? Lol. You're dickless. :-)

Seriously?! I leave you alone all afternoon and that's it? That's all you're capable of? A few derogatory comments about my maid, a couple of dick jokes and more whining about Kinja and harassment? Freshie Fresh, I'm sorely disappointed that after all your impotent rage last night this was the best you were able

Nah, Freshie. You're completely unloved and alone in this world and you know it. :-)

So, no video and driver's license then?

Oh sweet Jesus! I've incurred the impotent wrath of an anonymous internet tough guy! Your meaningless and empty threats are so terrifying!!!!1!!1!! Golly what shall I do?!?

Oh and another one just showed up:

"I had to log off the whole day yesterday as I felt it was just too toxic."

Oh, I think I see what you're saying! So, (from my previous example) a white kid in a mostly black school could experience "discrimination" but not "racism"? It still seems relative and subjective to me since that could be true in a global context but maybe not so true in a local context. I think I get what you

I'm not seeing that at all. The online version only says the following which doesn't seem to touch on social privilege, power or circumstance at all. It seems all about simple discrimination based on race.