
so I need to know if this is as fucked up and nasty as I think it is.

Fellow depressive here. When i was in grad school and finding it hard to do things, i would break up large tasks into very small, manageable pieces that i would work on for an hour or so before i curled up on the couch for Netflix and a nap :). So if i had to turn in an essay, i would start earlier than most people

Vitaly Milonov can kiss the collective asses of every story writer and comment-writer here.

It's almost like this industry has a gravitational orbit that draws in people unskilled in the nuances of of gender politics. Weird.

Heyyyyy, making friends in this country is hard, man... just stick it out and get out of the house as many times as you can, because it can suck even harder otherwise. I wish I could embed cat gifs but I can't... I'm just a fellow foreigner who knows how hard it is making friends in the US.

My fiancé's mom sent us a giant thick red fleecy blanket for Christmas last year. It is heavenly. I also have a massive collection of blankets all over the house! They're also good for when you want to go out on the porch for a smoke but hate putting pants on. Yes, I lead a sophisticated life.

I also have a neighbor who is a famous actor. We both have dogs so we see each other a lot. The first four times I met her, I didn't realize who she was until a "The more you know" PSA came on and she was on it. I was like "OMG… She's my neighbor. Yes, of course I recognize her now." So I did what you did… Pretended

That is such great news. You should be really proud of yourself for taking these steps. I think you're really brave.

As you wish....

"Feline Gaslighting Conspiracy"* made me choke with laughter. I'm so going to accuse my cats of that from now on.

which country? making friends abroad is hard, no matter where "abroad" is for you.

So, I would have had a 10/10 perfect day, but a man on the bus (a WHITE man, for the naysayers) groped me between the legs. Twice, because it was so crowded that I couldnt move away, and I was too shocked to say anything and I should have and it was awful.

I filed for divorce yesterday. He left me over two months ago and there is no chance of reconciliation, but it's still really weird. I never in a million years thought I would get divorced. I went from feeling empowered (I'm getting this over with!) to feeling sad, to just plain exhausted. It's been a week, that's for

Today, for the first time (probs last time) in my life, I felt famous! I went out for lunch with some friends, and a waiter recognized me. "Aren't you professor highfalutinwithbakunin?" Why yes, I am. But I've been at my current university for one semester and don't have this student in any of my classes...

Poor little Cotton. I just want you to know that we, your brothers and sisters, are all praying for your safe return.

That is one ardently anti-Zionist cat.

Well they're kinda off to a terrible start if this is the fruits of their efforts. When I think a strong non sexualized female character, I think more along the lines of...

we should all probably start listening to our elders about health, and also not being douches. sounds like a plan to me.