
"What are you gonna do tonight, Stef?"

Oh great just what we need, Scalia & Co having a crack at taking away marriage equality.

Years ago when my kids were young but thankfully past the tantrum stage, I was in Safeway and walked past an aisle where a young mother was struggling to contain her squirming, screaming toddler. She picked him up and was doing her best to comfort and calm him as I walked by, and we made eye contact, with her

It's interesting that you mention that white guys harass you more in bars... I worked as a bouncer for a long time in overwhelmingly white, college and just-post-college aged clubs, and saw an absurd amount of harassment, and just kind of assumed that it was a college kid thing, because none of my group of mostly

Bugs? Definitely not bugs. (Bugs in disguise!)

No. You don't know what my day is like. Maybe my day involved divorce papers or getting fired or a damn funeral and this meal or shopping trip has a lot more riding on it. I sympathize with the parents, I really do. But the fact that your kid is frustrating and exhausting you is not license to just avoid dealing with

Perhaps you might consider the fact that children left to scream in public can be distressing and even painful for other autistic kids and adults?

For a minute or two, I'll roll with that. Ten or fifteen minutes, no. Your gambit has not worked, and you are making everyone else here miserable. Talk to your kid or take him outside. Your desire to adhere to a particular teaching strategy does not trump the rights of a couple dozen other people to shop or eat in

My first though is that it would absolutely make a great gag gift for my brother as he's a vegetarian (but a willing killer of bugs) and we're for the most part a bunch of sarcastic assholes in my family.

Oh how you make me giggle out loud.

What do you mean fanfic? :)

And the parents also have to deal with the fact that they have produced children and are now responsible for their behavior and training.

Yeah. Any parent who just stands there through an extended toddler screechathon gives precisely zero shits about how you feel about it.

Yeah... no. The temper tantrums can and will continue until like 9 or 10. Sporadically in later years, but they totally happen. Also depends on our definition of a temper tantrum I guess.

Dear all avoidant parents who think it's totally okay to bring your tiny humans in public without training them for the experience first: When they inevitably start throwing a tantrum, do not just let them scream their heads off with no correction. DO NOT cave in and buy them whatever they are screaming about. DO you

I love it when sanctimonious moms are provably worse people than nonmoms!

Root is jealous! Root is jealous!

First thing that came to mind. Root + Violence.

I'm a white woman in her early 30s, and I recently had a first-time experience — a random dude came up to me in the bar and ran his hands through my hair. I've heard and read, so many times, that hair-touching is a frequent occurrence for women of color and thought I grasped why it was such an issue. But, when it

What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.