
Good Burger is great AND the first movie I ever went to see in the theater without a parent present.

But Tracy, what are the cures for the loopholes? To just stop using them? I have about 3000 of these that I use daily. For instance, I just sent an email so now I can surf the internet for 30 minutes. And later, I won't be able to make that phone call because I am too busy surfing the internet. I only live once,

C-SPAN is the greatest reality TV show no one watches. Once a caller sang an original song about the government. When he was prompted to answer a question, he would just sing another verse of the song. Sadly, the call was disconnected before he got to the chorus.

I never got them! I will throw the stone!


actually it's about ethics in games journalism.

You missed the part where it said those people have problems. Don't kick them when they're down, if they were in their right mind they'd never give a cent.

Actaully I did a little research and learned that the movie depicts a future society where all drugs are legal but small, independent drug makers are not. You can get your speed, laughing gas, pot, Vicodin or cocaine legally but only from Philip Morris, Pfizer or whatever. No small chemistry labs are allowed to cook

Yeah, mine are certainly weird enough to freak some people out. Or confuse them at least. Mostly confuse them.

So if anybody wants actual science on beauty products, check out, not this bullshit website that is all about fear mongering and not about actual science.

if they're going to hire a chemical safety advisor or whatever, it should be someone with a chemistry degree, not a business degree.

She's an amazing performer but I agree that her voice is underwhelming live. I'm sure it's something she'll get better at with practice.

I don't think she has much of a voice. But, she can't just get up there and dance if she wants to be a pop star. There's a long tradition of weak singers becoming pop stars so her voice shouldn't be an impediment.

Actually, what's important is that normal people can see a woman with a body shape that's just one example of zillions. Her breasts are uneven, like a goodly portion of women. She is quite small - not just in weight but in bone structure - and has been teased a lot for her smile, teeth, and breasts.

This wonderland is closed for construction since someone died on the ferris wheel.

NGL, I've always been grateful that Keira Knightley has been a successful leading lady/model even with a flat chest. I feel like there's a lot of pressure in the US especially for women to embellish or augment small boobs. I'm happy with my barely-A boobs now, but she was one of the high-profile celebrities that I

I love it all as a piece. It just works.

Anti Blackness is an old immigrant tactic to used become accepted by the American polity.

Its ingrained into the assimilation strategies of the United States, don't be surprised when Immigrants of color, yes even black ones, put it into play.

I don't think they are renouncing their blackness per se, because African Americans aren't monolithic.

To all those bashing Hillary saying "black people cant be republicans" READ THE F*CKING ARTICLE. She actually cites why the views of Scott and Love are incredibly problematic.

Most black people are not what you would describe as left-wing, but let's not pretend that Republicans and especially Tea Party Republicans are not some of the most racist fuckers ever. How you could align yourself with the party of Lee fucking Atwater is beyond me.