
I don’t mind this when it’s going to garage sales where people are trying to get things out of their house and you’re paying them the price they agreed to for it, then doing the hustling of taking pics and listing it online to get more money.

She can do it if she wants, but friends of mine who used to get almost ALL of their clothes through thrifting have been finding less and less in the way of actual usable clothing. She’s actually supporting crap like Shein because people who used to thrift and can no longer find anything, and the folks I’m talking

The term metaverse is from Snow Crash, one of the pivotal books in the cyberpunk genre. It just means a 3D interactive cyberspace. He used the term correctly.

Keanu is just happy to be making people happy, even if it’s because they’re a bunch of internet perverts modding video games to perform questionable sexual activities with his digital form. 

You’re basically describing Jeri Hogarth.

Johnny Erotic

20 years ago they were representing Trans characters more sympathetically than any other show on network TV. We forget how bad it used to be.

Fuck that. I taught on a rural reservation. I had a student who had been raped repeatedly by her older brother. She told me that the only thing that made her feel like she wasn’t alone was watching reruns of SVU. Sometimes progressive activists make the perfect the enemy of the good. Often, actually.

There is an interesting intersection between racial justice and mental health/disability awareness here.

this right here x1000...If this white girl really has the issues listed and her mom isn’t full of shit about said issues and her efforts to get the school/district to do anything for her daughter, then that does (to a large degree) excuse the outburst. BUT you could have a black girl with all the receipts from doctors

Umm, have you met an autistic person?

This story would be portrayed quite differently if Dorland was not white. If she were a WOC, others would be bending over backwards to defend her from appropriation and theft of her voice, her story, her experiences, exploited for profit by someone else without her permission. Every one of us knows it.

The desire for

Thank you for this viewpoint! I read the piece and found myself comparing Dorland to the “Dorlands” I’ve known...who humblebrag things at seemingly strange times or don’t seem to understand that “1-2-3 back to me” gets old quick (examples from the NYTs piece that made me think of people I specifically knew, not so


The un-plagiarized letter was still so obviously the same letter too! It was like a high schooler just changing one line at a time to not get in trouble. You'd think a professional writer would be better at obfuscating her sources.

When I got to the bit where Larson changed her Dorland-inspired character’s sign off in her letter to “Kindly” (the real Dorland’s usual sign off), I actually gasp/laughed aloud.

Uh, Sonya Larson herself wrote in multiple texts to friends that she took Dawn’s letter to the recipient of the kidney transplant, verbatim, to put in her story.

I’ve spent a lifetime seeing close friends walk away without a word, leaving me wondering why. I’ve taken autism spectrum tests; the results always come back negative, but something is going on there. I feel like there must be social signals that I don’t hear, like a dog whistle inaudible to human beings. 

Understandable- this piece was so vague about actual details that I went to the NYT and found them ( Halfway through the Jez article I had to look for details, came back and finished reading this, and apparently blanked on which article had which info.

ADHD here, and same. I feel like I’ve spent my life trying to keep my shit under wraps so I don’t harm or make others uncomfortable, but more and more I’m asking do any neurotypicals do that for us? Why is that okay?