
My head canon’s going nuts at all the awesome things Federation President Nog accomplished during his long, illustrious career.

tbf, James is kind of an asshat too.

Ellen deserves all the bouquets for being a pioneer, for opening doors for gays, for her hard work, talent and perseverance in making it in Hollywood.

One day we’re going to have to square the circle behind “online leftists are irrelevant dudebros who never accomplish anything” and “online leftists are responsible for every Democratic loss this century.” They can’t possibly both be true!

Yes. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone their excitement over Harris’s selection. I think representation genuinely matters and is important. Also, from a purely political standpoint, she’s a great pick.

The thing is, there are so many different types of parents raising kids who have ASD, and the ones who aren’t crazy don’t get any press. This woman is not some sort of sympathetic face for how hard it is to raise kids with disabilities, she is an outlier who weighed the risks against the benefits and made a poor

Hello fellow journalist! Please don’t use this construction or similar in the future: “Joshua has the mental development of an elementary school-aged boy.”

This isn’t “a controversial autism treatment.” This is poisoning and child abuse. Whenever people want to “cure” part of your identity, there is often shady shit happening with respect to human rights. Manytreatments”for autism are abusive like witholding food to get the desired behavior. Let people be different and

Yes, I don’t want to sympathize with these crazies because once you get to the MMS you’ve probably been batshit crazy for awhile, but there is a frustrating lack of good help for parents of kids with autism. There’s like ABA (which is insanely expensive and honestly seems like torture to me), OT (oh don’t have

Season 3's Xindi arc is more sophisticated than I remembered when it aired, but it’s post-9/11 sensibilities have not aged well at all. Lots of “Archer has no choice but to torture this alien” and “It’s okay that they kill all these aliens because Trip’s sister died!” But The Xindi were a fun group of aliens to follow

It’s interesting that with the exception of TOS and TNG season 1, almost all of the problems the article identifies were in some way a product of Rick Berman. Forcing sex appeal into a show that never needed it, thinking sex appeal would rescue flagging ratings, aggravating other actors, pretty much all of the major

The real reason is, of course, that miniskirts were a social identifier of “liberated” women at the time.

Surprising omissions here from Enterprise, the show that invented an underwear-only room where characters had to rub each other with lotions.

I know (if this even gets out of the greys), I’ll be flamed for this, but I’m just SO TIRED:

Dem establishment aside, the people supported and voted for Biden. The US gets the government it deserves, with a majority too brainwashed to understand they’re voting against their own interests (on both sides).

Yeah, sorry, cry me a river but your fertility treatments are not a right, having children is not a right (unless you can naturally conceive them), and yeah it sucks if as a result of the pandemic some people might miss their window for fertility treatments but right now the focus is on postponing all non-emergency

This sounds like fanfic.

Democrats can do a little sexual assault, as a treat.

Remember how much of the left/center-left treated Monica Lewinsky in the late 90's? And how everyone rallied to defend the creep who was absolutely in the wrong just because he was also the victim of right-wing smears?

I feel like one of the big problems with politics at the moment is a tendency (on all sides) to try and reduce conplex issues to a sound bite that will appeal to your ‘side’. It really cuts down opportunities for communication and compromise.