What album should I start with?
What album should I start with?
I pretended to like Weezer for a boy.
Yeah, I had the same experience (I think we’re roughly the same age??). Hail to the Thief, Kid A, and Amnesiac were the soundtrack to my senior year of high school.
I was actually listening to In Rainbows today because I finally saw Radiohead live last month and felt bad that I hadn’t listened to any of the “newer”…
Sometimes I wish I was a teen in the 80s because the music was so good. (I listened to A LOT of Joy Division and The Smiths when I was 16).
Does Adam Ant hold up? Because I am seriously tempted to go and download an album right now.
“I Tripped Over The Ottoman” was such a great tune—a punk song about The Dick Van Dyke Show spoke to my weird tastes perfectly.
I’m trying to make a “to say nothing of the dog” joke and failing.
What happened to boys in boarding schools all over is horrific. And it’s still happening today.
I’m Slytherin to the core because I’m a survivor. Statistically I should be dead/hooked on drugs/never graduated high school, kind of like Snape. I bet you a lot of folks who “rise above their station” have more than a little snake in them.
I got an oryx, which I thought was pretty cool.
My grandma said something similar to me — that I should “try before I buy”, and don’t ever marry someone I’m not sexually compatible with. I couldn’t have been more than 14. Grandma was awesome.
I posted about mine! I haven’t been in contact for about 2 years and letting him go has been a weight off my shoulders. Sometimes it does still hurt, like when he posts family pictures on Facebook even though we’re estranged, but he has to live with the consequences of his actions. Not my albatross to bear.
Oh man. I’m in the group of my father is an asshole and we’re estranged. And no longer speaking to him is one of the best things I’ve done for myself.
I’m hoping you’re right about it being 6:23, I’m a secular Jew so Bible stuff is not my strong point!
I’m not religious, but to go up to those who think you’re a liar and worse, and wish them grace? That is powerful stuff. I’m in awe of her.
Yours is great too! Like straight from the brain of Mel Brooks.
My mom’s hebrew name is Leia (She’s about the same age as Carrie Fischer, rip) and I have always thought that was so awesome. Mom’s not a sci fi fan though.
I live in Stockholm. I work out in Värmdö (which is 30 minutes by express bus to central Stockholm) and I finally got home now that the subway is running again. Everyone I know is okay, but a lot of folks I know work in the area and my heart dropped into my stomach until Facebook put up a check in.
Dodai!!! So happy to have you back <3
I thought the employment numbers you’re talking about were for non-eu immigrants (like me)? And Lasermannen was over 25 years ago, so it’s kind strange to bring it up.