Sometimes!? It's always fun.
Sometimes!? It's always fun.
I've also seen generation x defined as early sixties to early eighties. Fritopie1 sounds like a good egg. I say we let her in.
Narcissism has been long been associated with the notion of entitlement, which typically suggests a lack of empathy, a feeling of superiority and a tendency to overreact to criticism.
Many times it is the parent who first cuts off contact with the adult child who won't conform in some way to their dictatorial attitude. The formerly abusive parent then tells everyone their child won't talk to them. Parents who are abusers often spend the child's life telling everyone around them how horrible their…
Stuff like this disturbs me. This woman's defense about it being "cultural" sounds exactly like my parents. The only reason why I talk to my parents as if nothing amiss ever happened is because that is the Universe they live in. If I want to talk to them, I go to that mental universe. It hurts, even as a middle aged…
My kids disowned me because I praised them too much? Is that seriously what she's claiming?
I disagree. J Crew, for example, has lovely dresses, for much less than the glued-on frippery at many bridal boutiques.
Cups can be used for years. But you need somewhere clean to wash them out, and then you're supposed to boil them after your period to sterilize. Pads might be the best thing?
17 and still paralyzed - therefore, still a minor and reliant upon his parents - and says it was a lie. You know what, kid? You're good in my books because that takes a lot of guts.
People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.
oh my god you are a champion
I think they probably aren't paying this guy enough, he's just so good at being Gaston.
i mean t say its too blleeeee gross, this video made me very uncomfortable
I mean, I still get breakouts and have oily skin. Both of my parents have oily skin, still. That's never going away.
Manic Pixie Dream Cup
Cleaning a diva cup in a nasty public toilet is worse.
Uterine Drip Pan.
Reservoir of funky fresh flow.