
They gave him a butt-chin

Words to live by.

This is probably the most visually stunning game I’ve ever seen and yet it still looks so fucking boooooooring.

She didn’t have her lvl. 5 key card selected in her inventory

Oh yes, now it has been established because we saw her do it in TFA.

A light saber is not a sword. A sword is a lot heavier and requires strength as much as it does dexterity and the bigger the sword the more strength dominates while a light saber is mostly about dexterity not physical strength. A staff is not a light saber and a sword is not a light saber. Rey also grew up doing star

I’m looking forward to Observer. I came close to buying it during the Steam sale but some reviews led me to hold off until it’s cheaper. Free (“free”) is definitely cheaper.

Twitch Prime includes Pillars of Eternity and 20 other games this month. All you have to do is make sure your Twitch

And what do they all have in common? They have better internet than I do.

If I may, I’d like to tell a short story about 7 Days To Die. I joined a fresh Alpha 15 server, on day eight. Right after the bloodmoon horde. Sixty four person server, with about thirty to thirty five online at a time. I had set about trying to gather all the materials necessary to build my base and my farm.

Presumably done by the same team who removed Henry Cavill’s moustache from Justice League.

A Ubisoft rep responded, writing that they would be passing the information along and meanwhile suggesting he try using the game’s general PS4 troubleshooting guide.

We do our best to just treat them like we would any other publisher. Any time I’m going to run a report like this, I’ll always ask the relevant parties for comment. Sure, Bethesda hasn’t responded in nearly five years, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop asking. Let the onus be on them.

don’t tell me Farfetch’d wasn’t made specifically to toss in a pot of boiling water

The problem with setting post-apocalyptic stories in areas dominated by nature is that they never seem post-apocalyptic. That’s the problem I had with New Vegas; a post-apocalyptic desert just seems like a desert. Washington DC and Boston, however, really sold the idea of a fallen world.

The new Battlefield review trailer is truly a Rorschach test for bigotry.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

At least Valve’s owning up to it, unlike what Capcom did with their $200 Infinity Eggs.

“Which sounds like a pretty awesome way to troll that solo player in their sloop.”

Were you a male or a female avatar? As a female, it was not sweet or fun at all to be trapped there with Pastor Creepy.