
I’m actually a little bit disappointed - when I saw Silent Hill in the thumbnail, I came down here ready for a rumble. Easily the best film adaptation of a video game, period (not counting animation), and I will fight for it’s honor.

Can’t believe I haven’t heard nor seen about this game with this art style and smoother tunes next to other roguelike shooters.

You’re welcome.

That is exactly what I think of

Heck, I’m expecting it to go full gacha. Random character roll at the start, pay for more characters.

The visual style of Rico reminds me a lot of the old game XIII.

Now playing

I’m loving the Far Cry clips lol. This is a funny little highlight clip from some Prop Hunt with my squid squad.

“So after many years, not only is BETA 200 playable from start to end credits with no major interruptions but it’s stable and finally coming together as a finished thing,” the team said in the mod’s April update.

Could you actually do a research piece on the history of mimics and video games? Because that actually sounds amazing and now you’ve got my hopes up! I bet it’s actually really interesting.

From Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Strikes Again. I was going to add ‘“masterpiece”’, but I’ve softened in my dotage.

oh he fucking would, wouldn’t he

I am perfectly okay with that.

“I look forward to playing Episode 1 in 2045"

It’s only a model

Man, Dr. Wily is really getting lazy with those Robot Master names.

Now playing

I’ve always been dying to post this, and it’s not like it hasn’t happened before...

That cat getting catapulted out of frame, its dispassionate “meow,” and annoyed grumble, Sweet Fancy Jesus that’s a good laugh.

Was that a joke?

I want it to be good, both because it should be the kind of game that I would enjoy, and because I don’t want BioWare to get EA’d. But I don’t think that will be the case, and I don’t think it will be BioWare’s fault.