
“You clean it up first, then we might change it”.

I traded in my launch PS4 (gifted) until DA:I came out and I bought a preowned one due to the main early line-up being sucky (and because I was a bit strapped for cash, ha).

It’s now an irreplaceable piece of my everyday life with a large library of awesome.

No doubt in my mind the Switch is going to follow suit!

Or possibly a Risen-like here-be-dragons unavoidable sea-creature that you can’t fight (for long) due to not being able to fight properly at sea?

Stamina seems the easiest option, true.

Maybe deep sea?

It really depends on the opposing team/squads. Sometimes I feel amazing and unstoppable, then people that know how to actually play the game join and I’m ripped a new one.


ITT: Many people thinking the splash screen had the poster’s name all over it, many people not reading the full article where it says his alterations help the game to actually run, and many people not reading the full article where it mentions that his alterations also protect his source from being revealed (possibly

He did...

“He claims that the alterations to the game’s code will help protect the individual who gave it to him from being identified. He says some changes were necessary to help the game run.”

Hmmm... That one felt odd, this is it. This is how I die.

...Nope! *continues cracking*

Thanks, Donald.

Is that SINISTAR in the video thumbnail?


Amaretto Sours also tend to have egg in it, depending on the bar/bartender.

Just adds an extra, sort of frothier, consistency - not really much flavour detriment or benefit.

I had to scroll up and just make sure another two times.

Meanwhile, in Bizarro Earth...

It makes it easier if you think about it in terms of $20 dollars for a new DLC Story Expansion.

(That just happens to include hard mode and a new challenge dungeon).

Other than switching Majora’s Mask with Windwaker, I agree entirely with this list!

Onimusha Souls?

I know /I/ don’t!

Every time this comes up I guffaw loudly. Which is inconvenient as it’s always at work haha.