
Sadly Orgazmo wouldn’t work, due to the heavy ties to the movie, and the theme song literally being “NOW YOU’RE A MAN!”

Good fuckin’ movie though!

I want to live there.

Ha, nice one!

Yeah there’s a large bunch of Scottish roots over in the States, none of mines though haha.

I occasionally visit Inverness myself to see old friends etc, now that I’m living back in Glasgow.

Not a great deal to do but sightsee and drink, but that does me fine!

I was being more general, as it’sin Scotland I live, not specifically Skye.

I just got excited to see Scotland featured at all on US Kotaku, sorry! :p

Hey, I can see my house from here!
(nb: I can’t, it’s not THAT small a country - but still, I lives here!)

  • Platform Nintendo Switch

*scribbles out original recipe name*
*writes in “Iggy’s Super Cool Original Sandwich”*

“THAT’S IT! I’ve come up with a new recipeeeeehhhhhhh”.

Step 1) Don’t drive into deer.

I’d totally play “Rad Dad Redemption”...

Wait... Damn it, Overwatch!

Thank you for the tips!

...VR. It evolved to VR.

I’m struggling to fathom how to make McCree’s robo-arm, and here’s this guy making a full mech. :’(

It’s too late, I’ve seen everything.

Reminds me of the soundtrack for Utopia (UK TV Series) that was recorded using bones and - at one point - types of dried poop (Rhino if I remember correctly).

Nice, a few extra tracks to go into my own:

I’d read this.

Throw in Howard the Duck as the mediator and I’m sold.

“It’s missing some of the fancier stuff around the edges, like a seamless transition from space to planetary surface”

You mean, like the actual game?

All of my yes.
And while we’re at it, I want a Dr. Robotnik RPG also.
(Tried making my own, but making games is hard).

I’d play it more if it didn’t CTD whenever I looked at it the wrong way.