
I almost choked to death at work, looking at this.

10/10 would guffaw again.

I think the point here is that they don’t want the current WoW experience, they want the unaltered original WoW experience.

The Mechanist is an already established character in Fallout 3 by the way.

It read more like you were arguing that these couldn’t be ranted about.

And these mirrors do not do magic.

That’s a sad tale, Fallout 3 deserves to be completed. :’(

No caffiene after 2pm? To hell with that.

It’s not quite either, but...

Not even a Nest Ball, a Net Ball. For bug pokémon. *shudders*

With the collated “Pokémon Earth” edition, that shows that the earth is actually a pokémon God (not been done before omg a pokegod really) and collectively fucks up the shit of both teams. Player then catches Earth with a net ball because he ran out of ultra balls.

I always used to name him “Rusty” so that when he complains that his name isn’t Rusty, he’s only lying to himself.

I suppose, but I’d still also argue that “Urban Myth” is entirely the wrong phrase too, ha.

The digital drawing chibi characters completely take me out of the accurate gbc looking ui.

Confirmed is probably not the best word for me to use there, more “used” or “published”.

It got Deadpool right.

No, there was a bunch of X-COM games, but there are only two XCOM games.

Aye, but it’s been confirmed elsewhere for years and years. Surely an Urban Myth/Legend is something that’s unconfirmed everywhere?

“I hear tell of lands far passed where the bandaged folk in Princess Mononoke are actually lepers! I can’t confirm it, because I don’t have the power of google, but...”

Considering the old English Dub VHS specifically calls them lepers (as far as my age-addled brain remembers) I’m not sure it can be called an Urban Legend.

Maybe an unintended translation error which happens to coincide with the truth, but certainly nothing to get confused or speculate over.


Which was still better than what it was going to be!