Lots of pc games are just console game ports..........
Lots of pc games are just console game ports..........
After reading EA's TOS they can go suck it.
ewww Kinect
Aren't people always complaining about Sony not trying to innovate? Damned if you do damned if you dont. :|
I need this in my veins now 8^O)
wait, so is that a good or bad thing?
That seems to be the only thing people do these days. Also wouldn't it be better to judge the user experience once we get our hands on it
Are people really bitching that the psn store is getting an overhaul? We can now search and sort our download list. What is wrong with you people?
EVGA GeForce GTX 650
I remember when Linkin Park used to be good.
Welp after Resident Evil 6 and Borderlands 2 I have to hold off on these two games. When will publishers realize that putting so many high profile games this close together is bad for business.
I'm Asmith906 over there and this was epic. It didn't quite happen like that but close enough.
monster hunter is pretty overrated. I played the one thats on psn and honestly it was sort of boring. I'd rather play something like dark souls
Why does a rip off on phones look better than the actual call of duty coming to the vita. I wouldn't mind the games on the app store if I had it on something that could use buttons.
I really hope it has some sort of zombie campaign mode
Sega killed the saturn not the competition
The Dreamcast has the worst controller i've ever had displeasure of using. Also ever since the n64 Nintendo consoles have had the tendencies of dying way earlier than the others
Reggie also said that the wii graphics would make you say wow. I'm tired of giving Nintendo passes on systems. They need more than mario and zelda to justify buying a new system for. IMO they are becoming too reliant on their franchises. I want something fresh. I can already play NSMB on my wii and 3ds. They are okay…