
and people complain about the size of the vita

God I hate mushy buttons. I've been on the fence with my wii u preorder. On one hand i'm just ready for a new console but i'm also afraid the 1 game i'm interested in is going to be another red steel. I'm looking at you zombi u. Ninntendo hasn't done a good job on hyping me on the console. Not everyone loves mario

but what if i like the port? Why can'y we have both :3

Quiet You! We need moar Ninja Gaiden on the Vita not less. Maybe I can finally beat those damn end bosses now >.<

well to be fair resident evil REmake looks like an early 360 game. long live the cube

I'd rather have a system that had more support than just Nintendo franchises and I have a wii u preordered.

If gamecube was more powerful than ps2 why did all the Splinter Cell games look like shit on it compared to xbox/ps2. I used to be a gamecube kid and I was severely disappointed at how the gamecube died. I still have mine hooked up.

I could see it being awesome for something like Silent HIll where you are constantly checking your map.

Nothing is ever good enough. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. If everyone was content with what they have than no one would ever innovate. We would still be living in the stone age

If the customers dont buy their product than the developers dont stay in business. It's probably best not to alienate your fanbase on a game like this. And also I'm sick of this entitlement crap people pull. If someone wants $65 from me for a new game I am entitled to it to work. Unlike Silent Hill HD so yes they do

Current gen computers stomp on current gen computers. I wouldn't be surprised if it looked a lot better than what we have now. People have always said it cant get better than this and it always does.

the difference is no one uses the xbox's dpad because it is garbage. I'm not passing judgement on the controller since I haven't held it. It just looks weird when I glance at it.

the sticks are on the top so you will be gripping the top of the controller instead of the bottom.

Fuck, wii u just became day 1........ dat Nintendo money hat

Yeah, I won't be buying this day 1.......That is unless Nintendo gives me a reason other than mario. A jrpg would be nice...... please ;_;

that didnt really answer the quest :P

it's interface was really fast and you could hold a song and make a smart dj playlist from the device. My favorite feature in any mp3 player. The device wasn't bad it's was microsoft poor marketing of it

I really liked the 3rd gen Ipod mini. It was the perfect size. Though I still think Zune HD was the best mp3 player ever made.

Am I the only one that thinks that controller looks unnatural to hold?

"Nintendo is offering the Nintendo Network premium service until December 2014 for those who purchase the Premium Set."