
yeah actually people did.

Then people would bitch that it should have been on ps3

Some games do save to the card but the saves are so small it shouldn't matter. Your sister does know she can just copy games shes finish with to a pc right?

People bash Persona because it's a port even though it adds a shit load of content. Plus the same people that bashed Playstation battle all stars being on the vita because it was a console game lost their shit over OoT and Smash Bros coming to the 3ds. If that;s not Fud than I don't know what to describe it as. Also

He never said the games were coming at E3 people just assumed it and hyped themselves up. History should have told you that gamescom is where the vita would get attention because SCEA doesn't care about handhelds. Also Shahid is SCEE and the game he was talking about hasn't even been announced yet so I don't know why

Have you played Soul Sacrifice? It is not a Monster Hunter clone they play completely different. I for one enjoyed soul sacrifice a lot more than Monster Hinter. I thought monster hunter was boring but for some reason people can't get past that maybe a 4 player action game that isn't monster hunter can actually be

Now playing

If a brand NEW game comes out the same time on the vita as it does the 3DS why is it considered a port on the vita but not on another console. By that logic anything that's not an exclusive to any system ever made doesn't count. Also check out this Killzone Mecenary trailer which is an exclusive coming to the vita

Good thing I still have all my old consoles and if you have a ps3 why not just upgrade the hard drive and install all your games on that? That's what I did. Though I wouldn't mind being able to play them on ps4

I rip all my dvd's plus all my steam games and gog games and music and recorded video takes up a bunch of space. I have an HTPC so I probably use more space than the average person

Best place to start would be ps2. It has shin megami tensei noctource, Digital Devil saga, devil summoner and the persona series. Though the most beginner friendly are Persona 3&4. If you want to play on the PS3 the playstation store has Persona 2&3

what if you just put a screen protector over it

I have an amd 7870 graphics card. I installed linux mint but it was very choppy. Do you think it's a driver problem?

This is the first steam game I have preloaded. Will I be able to play at 12:oo tonight?

I just got a radeon 7870 in today. Can't wait to get off of work so I can put it in. Only 30 minutes

I keep forgetting this game is coming out.

My Radeon 7870 comes in today in it's supposed to come with codes for both Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite. :D

Bestbuy has a sale on 12 month xbox live cards for $35

Titan also happens to cost like $900

I'm pissed that Clements got let go.

Yeah I'm not really feeling Kotaku that much anymore to be honest. I mainly just stick around because of TAY.