In DS2 I saw one that said “Woman Ahead. Therefore danger zone.” and got a chuckle out of it. I decided to take a picture and jokingly texting it to my cousin and his girlfriend...who unbeknownst to me had just broken up literally 10 minutes prior. Hilarious in hindsight; not so much in the moment.
*Throws stone*
Me, every time I try to listen to this album:
I wish that I had two stars to give. One for the overall post and a second specifically for the use of “fuck face,” my all time favorite insult.
Nah man he’s more like Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights. Or actually on second thought he’s more like Casey in Good Will Hunting. Hmm but then again he also reminds me of Baldwin in the Departed.
Sorry, criminals don’t listen to the laws. FACT. Making more laws doesn’t fix the problem and statistics have shown that.
Ok cool, so you claim both parties are in the pocket of the NRA and when I present evidence that says otherwise, you get defensive because it’s “a fucking reply to a blog post.” So basically don’t taking anything you are saying seriously because you are talking out of your ass?
Did you even bother to fact check?
Maybe not the all time greatest example because yes, there could be legit reasons to tape it. If you are worried about your employer spying on you, or were a high ranking government official worried about hacking. But I have also talked to people who legit think the government is watching their every move. Like…
Yeah, this makes sense if you live in reality. But you know all the paranoid dumb fucks who put tape over their computer cameras so the government won’t spy on them will never go for this and the GOP idiots will use that their advantage. You can throw out all the solutions you want, but it’s never going to change…
It’s a feature, not a bug.
My big problem was they got rid of the Thanksgiving roast and replace it with TWO Christmas roasts...A GODDAMN WEEK BEFORE THANKSGIVING.
“I don’t like dirt. It’s hard, it’s rough, it’s coarse and it gets everywhere.”
I’ve been to NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, NCAA Football and NCAA Basketball games and NFL fans are by far the worst of the lot.
This was my first reaction. I tried listening to it probably three or four times when it first came out and gave up because none of the songs grabbed me at all. Sometime last year I randomly decided to give it another listen and it just clicked. It’s one of my favorite album of theirs. Oddly this was my exact reaction…
I have no issues with this take.
Harder difficulty levels? Is there something I am missing or are you referring to New Game +?
Harder difficulty levels? Is there something I am missing or are you referring to New Game +?
You really think they’re worse than the NFL dude-bros like JJ “Selfie Police” Watt?