
If they want to keep the same lifestyle they’re living now, probably not. They’re going to buy at least one and probably two new houses (the one they stayed at over break is worth 10 million pounds, for reference). If they have to pay for their own security, that’ll be at least million pounds a year on its own. They

Also, as the royal family learned when Diana and Fergie went through their respective divorces, a “broke” former/estranged royal is dangerous to the brand. (Obviously “broke” for a royal is different than broke for the rest of us.) If they need money, they’ll be willing to sell gossip or access, consort with sketchy

Yeah, why did this need to be investigated? It’s the most coverage and social media engagement they’ve had during their entire campaign. It’s pretty clear why it’s happening.

For Best Picture, no, but Jennifer Lopez and Lupita Nyong’o were both definitely in best actress/best supporting actress contention, and. Dolemite was a possibility for costumes. (The costuming in that movie is truly great.)

She was excellent in Little Women, though. She was also excellent in Midsommar, but I’m not shocked fewer Academy members saw that.

Rotten Tomatoes says an 80 percent fresh critical score and a 95 percent audience score--that doesn’t sound like “terrible” to me.

It’s especially weird because Meghan has spoken of the pressures of being a member of the royal family/dealing with the press once that I know of. Harry has been doing it his entire life—including mentioning that he seriously considered quitting--long before he ever met Meghan.

Harry didn’t have a job up to now, but my point is that their press releases make it fairly clear he intends to get one now. (Although it’s more likely to be something cushy, like “film producer” than somebody who actually has to go into an office 5 days a week.) Diana didn’t have an income stream after the divorce

Well, Diana didn’t have a job, which puts her in a very different situation than Harry and Meghan are likely to be in. I’d guess at least one and probably both of them are going to be bringing in money. She was also living a much more high-profile life than either of them seem to want, which increases security needs.

There was been a long and very successful effort to redeem Hughes, which means that more recent revelations that he was physically abusive to Plath (which may or may not have caused her miscarriage) and told her he “wished she was dead” two days before her suicide have gone mostly ignored.

The original context for that quote has all but disappeared from the internet, and most people got it out of context or piecemeal. But it was reasonably clear from the context—and very clear from how she’s spoken about 9/11 in retrospect—that she was describing being in shock ( “I think I have some kind of emotional

She was a vain and probably selfish person, but I don’t think that puts her in a league with J.D. Salinger or Ted Hughes, let alone Norman Mailer. The reaction to her “sins” has always been incredibly gendered.

The average work week in most Nordic countries is less than 40 hours to begin with—most of the other countries do somewhere in the mid-30s, with Sweden sometimes reporting even lower. Finland is actually on the high end in that they actually average around 40. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actively trying to cut

In this version, Bhaer critcizes the stuff she writes about because, he claims, he thinks she’s a better writer than the material and respects her enough to be honest with her. That’s not on par with the 1994 levels of “supportive,” but it’s still a move in support of her writing talents, career, and intelligence—he

I do think there is opportunity, though, for Bhaer to be framed as a partner who can support her and push her.

It does, at least in New York. There, the legal requirements for a private club (that could be exempt from following laws about protected classes) are that it has to have fewer than 400 members, doesn’t serve regular meals, and doesn’t receive payments from non-members. The Wing violates all three.

This isn’t necessarily my argument, but I think a lot of people thought that #metoo was signalling some kind of significant shift in the culture where we were going to start taking sexual assault more seriously than we had been. Ultimately, that didn’t really happen.

The money goes to his estate, which has been as proactive in trying to shut down his accusers as he was. I don’t have a ton of issues with people listening to problematic artists once they’re dead, if the money isn’t being put to harmful uses--but that isn’t the case here. The estate is still using your streaming money