
We can only hope.

I agree! And I think she did learn from that eventually--the man in question no longer works there. But “eventually” definitely took longer than it should.

people make it sound like she was fucking Cersei Lannister seizing an opportunity to shore up her future presidential campaign

And I find it a bit hard to believe she doesn’t regret it with how it impacted her presidential aspirations.

I doubt it. The Franken defenders online are really next level, and especially seeing the harassment Gillibrand has faced, I think they’re happy with their decision not to come forward.

You could also debate whether Franken’s resignation helped the Democrats win the Doug Jones seat over Roy Moore. And it certainly helped them have a cleaner interrogation of Kavanaugh. (Franken was on the Judiciary Committee and would have otherwise been in that room.) Franken also—despite his popularity with a

It’s coming up again because Al Franken is in the process of trying to force a comeback, and he still has friends in high places. Like at the New Yorker.

He (and his defenders in that piece) really seem to believe that his intentions matter more here than their effect on the victims. And they just . . . don’t. If you’re a man in the 21st century kissing women at work, it’s not their job to figure out whether that’s because you’re a lech or a socially awkward dork. If

Yeah, the one good thing about the way Franken left was that he appeared to be putting both the concerns of the Democratic Party and the #metoo movement over his own ego. And this article makes it very, very clear that his ego has come roaring back. That’s not surprising—he was a politician and a comedian; of course

Where’s that overwhelming sentiment coming from? 

I’m curious how closely the new season is going to be following the books. Some of the details seemed very similar.

I don’t think it’s impossible there is a media bias against Bernie, but I don’t think this is an example of it. Bernie chose to make the $15/hour minimum wage a central part of his campaign both now and in 2016, and now he’s not paying some of his own employees that—that’s a blatant example of hypocrisy, and

As far as I know, they’re comparable to Bernie’s. Most of the other major candidates (and some of the non-major candidates) have committed to a $15/hour minimum for hourly employees. But like Bernie, there are lots of potential loopholes with salaried employees, overtime, internships, etc. I’m guessing the Bernie

Warren’s campaign is unionized. Biden has said he’d be open to his campaign unionizing, but they haven’t.

So remind me, is Bernie’s position that there should be a $15/hour minimum wage, or that there should be a lower minimum wage that unions should be able to argue up to $15/hour?

Yeah, I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that this has been under negotiation for a few months, and nobody’s fixed it yet.

Man, I’m glad when things like this happen, because they help illuminate which Sanders supporters seem him as some sort infallible cult leader, and which actually believe in the principles he espouses. If the argument behind the Fight for $15 is that people should be paid a living wage, why would Bernie be immune? Why

I’m not sure furries, Swifties, and hallucinogenics fans alone are enough to carry a movie, but we’re about to find out . . .

There’s gotta be at least one member of the main cast that had no idea what Cats was about before signing on, just that it was a long-running Broadway musical and the movie was being directed by Hooper. “Sure, sign me up!” And then deeply, deeply regretted it the first day they showed up on set and then realized what