
The problem is that suicidal depression twists your brain. To somebody whose brain is functioning correctly, this scene is a gory deterrent. To somebody who is suicidal or struggles with repeated suicidal ideation, it’s a romanticized escape that reinforces some of the most damaging myths that depression lodges in

In all likelihood, it’s a response to the study released a little while back suggesting that youth suicides spiked in the wake of the show’s release.

I genuinely like AOC a lot, but Chakrabarti is her Achilles’ heel. I think she’s managed to do a tough balancing act in the House so far of staying true to the electorate who got her there while still managing to not piss off leadership so much that they marginalize her. But he’s messy, and there’s no way she’ll be

That’s because some of them do. (Not Pressley.)

I don’t think Carr (or anybody else) is arguing that we’ve all texted somebody to drink bleach. At one point, she says that we’ve all been in Michelle’s shoes where somebody has reached out to us to talk about their mental health (but that Michelle reacted in a way that was unrecognizable to most of us). (It’s a bit

I think she was manipulative, definitely—to an extreme degree that ultimately left her untethered to reality. But manipulative and sociopathic aren’t synonymous. There are a lot of other personality disorders and mental health problems that involve manipulation, often to disturbing extents.

Yeah, I’m not at all surprised that they’re cranking out these remakes, but the pace astounds me. There are only so many of their movies that lend themselves well to live action, and at this rate, they’ll be through those by the end of 2021.

Oh, it’s 100 percent a grift. The system feels increasingly broken, and there’s a ready audience (and ready money) for people who can validate that. 

I think this Rolling Stone article does a better job of illuminating complications with the case—namely, that she was very, very mentally ill herself.

Increasingly, I think the single greatest thing about living in the Midwest is that there is no reason I’d ever have to learn about fake leftists from Brooklyn who start podcasts after their standup careers fail. It’s very freeing.

You either didn’t read the article you’re quoting from or didn’t read my post. That article is about revenue and payouts from FIFA and the World Cup. The women’s soccer team isn’t suing FIFA for equal pay. They’re suing U.S. Soccer, for whom they do generate more revenue, ticket sales, TV viewership, etc. right now

Whoever would replace McConnell will be a dick, for sure, but corralling a fractured party is a skill (one that McConnell and Pelosi are both notoriously good at, and Schumer and Paul Ryan pretty bad at). I’m not sure who would replace McConnell if he was ousted (Thune? IDK), but it’s not a guarantee that they would

If they’re going to insist on writing about politics, I wish they’d hire some writers with the range to actually do it well. Three-quarters of the political takes here seem to boil down to “XYZ sucks because they aren’t AOC” with no understanding of local politics whatsoever.

I think it’d be hard to compare directly, because the men’s teams and women’s teams are playing very different schedules these days—it’s hard to compare Gold Cup prices to World Cup prices. But in general, no, the women’s tickets are much more affordable than the men’s. (The fact that men’s tickets are overpriced for

U.S. Soccer pays them. You certainly have a lot of opinions on this subject for somebody who doesn’t seem to have done the barest amount of research on it.

they don’t have the same size audience as the mens team.

How do you propose she change the outcome in the Senate? She has no control over senators and no mechanisms to change their votes. That was Harry Reid’s responsibility.

You’ve been pointed in the right direction to find those figures by other posters. I’m not sure how my input is going to help you any further than theirs has.

No, Pelosi passed the original version in the House. It failed in the Senate. You know, where Lieberman was actually in a position to kill it.

You are arguing that the World Cup payouts should be more equal. Or at least someone should be taken to task for not doing so.