
Shohei was boring at best and creepily mauling Seina at worst, but he was extremely good at crying. I think his ranking is justified mostly for that.

Yeah, the traffic is definitely going to be a bigger issue than the hotels. I’m not sure any city is ever really prepared for the traffic a convention brings, but Milwaukee especially only has so many roads!

Honestly, I don’t think it’s going to be that hard. After even just reading recaps of the documentary, I don’t ever want to hear any of his music ever again. I don’t know how it could possibly bring anybody joy ever again, after hearing these stories. Just hearing his name makes me genuinely nauseated.

It’s exactly what senators do. But the problem is that when, say, Cory Booker votes for a bill that helps pharmaceutical companies because many of his constituents are pharmaceutical company employees, he’s labeled corrupt and pandering and untrustworthy and in the pocket of Big Pharma. But when Sanders votes against

Yeah, Sanders has a great record on healthcare and Wall Street regulation, and if those are your primary voting concerns, he is a great candidate for you. But he also has a mixed record on plenty of other things—gun control and immigration and criminal justice, to start—and there are other candidates who have been

It’s a better hire than the previous ones, but it’s hard to tell how much.

He didn’t initially report this to the cops, a friend did after he told the friend what happened.

Aside from “New York, New York” (which was mostly a hit because of timing—it was released right around 9/11), he doesn’t really get played on the radio. He’s a pretty big star in the rock world, but largely outside of major labels/radio play/etc. He’s built his fame from touring a ton and releasing lots of albums,

I said this yesterday, but I don’t think I could count on two hands the number of young female artists that Adams has been closely tied to either professionally or personally, only for all ties to be abruptly severed. (Sometimes their careers disappeared afterward, too.) If even a fraction of those women had similar

Adams has publicly displayed abusive behaviors from the beginning of his career. With critics (the Jim DeRogatis voice mail?). With fans (the guy he had kicked out of a concert for yelling that he play “Summer of ‘69"?). With other artists (his feud with the Strokes?). With significant others (trashing Mandy Moore for

Here’s a Liz Phair update:

Oh, I was agreeing with you . . . I thought that was clear, haha. “You” in this case referred to Adams.

Yeah, this story raises as many questions as it answers. There are so many other female artists that he’s championed/been closely involved with that he just dropped—Natalie Prass, Leona Naess. Liz Phair had a project that was supposed to come out with him that was abruptly cancelled. Hell, I remember reading an

The New York Times had text messages! Of him saying that if people found out, they’d believe he was like R. Kelly! How are you gonna dispute things after that?

They’re moving the categories that are most likely to have the “artsier” films that mainstream audiences haven’t seen. Sound editing is where movies like Black Panther and Star Wars get nominated. Hair and Makeup is where stuff like Mary Queen of Scots gets a token nomination.

The frustrating part is that I can think of a lot more than two artists that would probably fit this bill.

Pete Wentz was openly dating a 15-year-old when he was in his 20s during Fall Out Boy’s early run, and both he and Hurley pursued underage groupies for years. The reason FOB “spurned the emo label” had nothing to do with not wanting to be associated with this stuff.

Private schools (like Harvard and Yale) can do whatever they want with their Greek systems, because they’re independent of the government. Public schools are considered an arm of the government and are, as a result, held to the same rules that the government is, which includes not infringing on the right to peaceably

The lawsuit demands Yale take responsibility for the party scene and also asks for a court order to force fraternities to admit women, who are shut out of the system’s housing and networking opportunities.

Only if you’re just looking at the bad stuff.