The Monday showing is subtitled. The other two are dubbed.
The Monday showing is subtitled. The other two are dubbed.
According to Variety, Instagram “isn’t ready yet” to reveal how monetization for IGTV will work, which sounds suspiciously like Instagram has now idea how monetization for IGTV will work.
The New York Times’ initial reporting confirmed that he was involved in the payments. Argento is definitely trying to deflect by using his name here, but there’s no question that he was involved. The only thing up for debate is how much she actually told him about why she needed to pay this guy off—it’s possible that…
Shakespeare in Love made almost $300m. It’s hardly an example of a commercially unsuccessful picture. (And it has a similar Rotten Tomatoes score to Saving Private Ryan, so it’s not like it was substantially more “critically acclaimed” either.)
Academy leadership can’t control how the Academy members vote.
They created the award because nobody’s watching the Oscars anymore and they would like more people to watch the Oscars.
I think people should definitely temper their enthusiasm, but I also don’t think Davis (who polled an average of 17 points behind Abbott) is a meaningful comparison to O’Rourke (who is polling an average of 5.5 points behind Cruz, and with increasingly narrow margins since July). Ultimately Cruz is probably going to…
Yeah, the takeaway on the Ansari article was bizarre. Most people read it and their conclusion seemed to be, “Well, she never said no,” when in fact she said no explicitly at least once and implicitly several other times. It wasn’t a case of “blurred lines” at all, and the fact that people seemed to take it that way…
Yeah, the barest possible minimum that you need to do before re-entering polite society is be honest and upfront about what you’ve learned, how you’ve changed, what you’re going to do differently, and how you’re trying to make amends. That’s step #1. And not a single one of these guys have done it.
Ansari’s done several shows recently. They’re just all “pop-up”/surprise shows so that nobody has time to organize protests or anything.
The men’s side still has pretty solid quality. I occasionally buy sweaters/shirts/accessories from their men’s line and have been happy with all of it.
It’s a tough statistic to measure for a bunch of reasons. If you google it, you’ll get a bunch of different estimates, and they’ll all be wildly different. And it wouldn’t be especially meaningful given that there’s no way to control for other factors. (Maybe people with really entrenched cases are more likely to turn…
Given what I know about Claude-Pierre, I doubt she’d release them, and if she did release them, I doubt they’d be accurate.
No. Theaters that offer e-ticketing are theaters that have partnered with MoviePass. They pay them a cut of sales or concessions.
The three-movies-a-month thing is supposed to roll out in a couple days, and that should hopefully curtail a lot of the financial problems they’re having. In the mean time, I would expect it to be a mess. If it remains a mess after the new terms change . . . I guess my options are seeing The Meg three times or…
She’s been tweeting about it for several weeks (months?), and apparently several members of the media looked into it before now. Apparently they didn’t think there was enough evidence to cover it until yesterday, though.
The son said he saw the video on his mom’s computer over a year and a half ago, so it’s possible that in the interim it’s been deleted or the computer died or something. I know I wouldn’t make a huge effort to hold onto a video of myself being abused unless I knew I was going to need it later.
Re: timing, she has been tweeting about it for quite a while, and the media has apparently investigated it prior to this but didn’t find enough information to justify running a story on it until now. I’m not sure we have enough information to know if it’s true or false, but based on her tweet history, I don’t think…
Some people are mad because they’re snobs who don’t want genre/popular films to be rewarded. Other people are mad because they feel like the popular category will be treated as a lesser award, and the optics of that (especially when popular movies often have more diverse casts than Oscar-bait) aren’t great.
Yeah, I wish there were more women in the main cast, but I agree with Riley on points 1, 2 and (kinda) 4. I obviously can’t speak to 3.