
I feel like we can extend this attitude in a way to online communication. While a chat conversation can be nice, sometimes I really enjoy a leisurely email conversation or facebook message, and when I'm in those I tend not to respond more than once a day. I could, and I think at first people expect me to, but I

Or go the other way, restrict what you post to friends except for maybe a few basic things like an email address and a profile picture, and make sure your friends list isn't too gargantuan. That works too.

You guys seem awfully hesitant to peg the iPad 3 as having Siri - would apple really release it without? It exists, it's been popular, it would seem like a blatant oversight to avoid including a shiny new spec that looks good

Isn't that apocryphal? I feel like that's apocryphal.

Nope just a fucktard, trying to stir somebody up.

If history has shown us anything it's that limiting prosperity is not the key to greater human rights. That said, yes Dubai has tons of problems that it (and the world) needs to address. But hoping for it to collapse into the sea like a lot of people here have just seems vicious and unnecessary.

Telling true stories about your bad experience with a company makes you an asshole? It's McDonald's fault for opening this can of worms, but fundamentally it's mcdonald's fault for giving them something to complain about.

Just set up a tumblr for a serious politics blog, and I've been pleasantly surprised at how flexible it is. If anything the theme options are more flexible than wordpress (editing html! being able to use google analytics!), there are no ads, and because of the builtin dashboard and easy follow features, it

You're totally right, my bad. They also have souvlaki. And dolmas! Oh man

Downton Abbey is fantastic. Also Sherlock (the BBC version). Basically british TV is the only thing worth watching...

But you can't stick an ipad on a vertical spit, slice chunks off, and eat it in a wrap, now can you? nom nom nom gyros

Exactly (this was the comic I sent my dad to explain it, which shows how good a job randall did with it). They do care a little bit, because it does make them look bad, but not excessively. Especially considering how low traffic some of those sites must be—who actually goes to for anything? It's not really

Ding ding. Giz is just over it's head on some of this.

I feel like it's never a bad time for this xkcd comic to be mentioned.

I don't think this is so bad—the blackout has served its purpose if you had to come here to learn how to circumvent it. It inconvenienced you, and made you take notice of it

I think anybody who understands how to work no-script (or even knows what it is) probably already knows about SOPA

I'm not sure how I feel about reading textbooks on an ipad though. If color e-ink catches on though, I'd be down with that.

Curious—at one point it's stuck on shoes, then suddenly jumps to a similarly colored jacket. Out of all the things that are marginally shoe-shaped, it picks another article of clothing? Why not a person, or a wardrobe or something random? I wonder whether perhaps google images can figure out that it's showing