
I'm not actually in Europe right now, but my wife is in London, and her flight back home to Australia will almost certainly be delayed, and so she'll miss the flight to Cairns for our holiday, and so I'll need something to read instead of having steamy holiday sex for a week *sniff*

I'd really like an end-of-the-world-type scenario to actually happen, cos I've never been in an orgy.

@QuickWeevil: He's not saying the tree needs to be cut down for the money to be harvested.

Ain't no fandom like Japanese fandom.

Nice to hear other cats do the old paw-dip-and-lick method. I hadn't seen it before I got one of my cats and thought it was a really peculiar trait. Apparently not _that_ peculiar. That's the way it's done at my place too! I thought my paw-dipping cat was really odd for doing it, but now I think he's slightly less odd.

Pianos make me feel safer.

Very well paced and very funny!

@DrunkenMessiah: If you ever get to Australia, we're hanging out OK? I like the way you think.

Come on Adidas, you can't just put one little fucking swoosh at the end of your ad? Sheesh...

Would probably feel great as an innersole.

It's utter bullshit. Australia is one huge fucking hoonation. No-one here really obeys the road rules at all. Victoria is home to the 4- & 2-wheel Grand Prix, as well as myriad events involving drag-racing, supercars, motocross, whatever. No-one gives a shit, but Vic Police have to do something. They have to fine

How does the saying go? "People who park in glass garages should check it's in gear and the handbrake's on."

How much can a koala bear?

@jayrock423: I read Atlas Shrugged and found it as good as it was bad.