Joyride, plain and simple. The whole area is light industrial, and pretty miserable if you ask me, and some young, bored dudes saw an opportunity to cane a Ferrari around until it broke.
Joyride, plain and simple. The whole area is light industrial, and pretty miserable if you ask me, and some young, bored dudes saw an opportunity to cane a Ferrari around until it broke.
You know we don’t actually drink this swill in Australia? The UK blend is brewed in Manchester.
Imagine that! I would weep openly with joy.
If Lexus wanna thrill, they gotta chill with the krill grille.
You know who the real winner here is? Mark Neale, cos he’s gonna get one hell of a movie out of all this hoo-ha.
Let’s see how “irritating in a good way” he can be, cos the other blokes were Olympian at it.
And what a jaunty little rhythm it plays too!
What kind of world are we living in that we CGI the living shit out of everything else BUT THIS?!??! I mean, I get despondent over just about everything, but this is different. This is an actual DREAM crushed by a concrete block.
Someone REALLY wanted to make their Lego model for reals.
In a parallel universe, ALL the modes of transport are this pant-soilingly mad.
Oh my giddy Aunt, this has to be the greatest cavalcade of vehicles in one post I have ever seen on this site.
Surprisingly torquey at the redline those Vitaras.
Was there a couple of weekends back, and it's a great looking shop - new/renovated Westfield in Sydney CBD. That curved wall is the shop-front, i.e. what you see walking through the shopping centre.
I was thinking the only thing missing was a love interest until I saw that flat-bed penetrate that train.
Back in the days when boards were the smoothest surface known to man.
I'm not actually in Europe right now, but my wife is in London, and her flight back home to Australia will almost certainly be delayed, and so she'll miss the flight to Cairns for our holiday, and so I'll need something to read instead of having steamy holiday sex for a week *sniff*
I'd really like an end-of-the-world-type scenario to actually happen, cos I've never been in an orgy.
@FasterThanJamesMay: Beat me to it, so +1 sir.
@QuickWeevil: He's not saying the tree needs to be cut down for the money to be harvested.
Ain't no fandom like Japanese fandom.