I should probably more often text men that I am in fact staying home to masturbate.
I should probably more often text men that I am in fact staying home to masturbate.
Off topic, but whenever I see the acronym “IANAL”, I instantly think I-ANAL. Even though I know that it means I am not a lawyer. My brain refuses to recognize it until after it has processed it as I -anal. I think my brain may be a pervert.
When I graduated from my extremely Catholic kindergarten, more than 50 years ago, we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up.
He was my favorite “Newsie!”
It can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely road. But Aaron Sorkin has this quote—I’m a pretty big Sorkin fan—
I’m relieved that my initial assumption that this had something to do with Ellen Degeneres was wrong.
This story makes me want to think of happier times... like when BSG was on and still good.
I am so sick of her not being exactly what everyone wants her to be all the time. It’s like she isn’t even trying to take all of our criticism simultaneously. I liked her at first but then she was too likeable and now I hate her but she just keeps being Jennifer Lawrence and I am just like HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR…
fun fact:
I kind of hate Elizabeth. Does anyone else kind of hate Elizabeth?
John Nettles!!!!!!!! I love John Nettles!!!!! He’ll always be my favorite Inspector Barnaby.
I wish Shemar Moore had said something about Dharma (and Greg) rather than karma. Shadier? Probably not. But more clever.
100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.
My opinion on religion is ultimately that I don’t care a bit what other people do or who they worship as long as they aren’t actively shoving it down other people’s throats/hurting anyone. But after skimming the blog post that you linked, all that came to my mind was the crazy lady who plays the organ in Edward…
Conversation I had with my wife
It sounds like the “KidzBop” version...
She won silver, but patriarchy won gold.
There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors…