I have nothing against musicals, but I thought LA LA Land was boring AF and a little try hard.
I have nothing against musicals, but I thought LA LA Land was boring AF and a little try hard.
Depends on your tolderance level. I like it better than Jupiter Acsending, but was it a *good* movie? Nah.
I was into tabletop gaming in high school and towards my upper classman year I got into the silly White Wolf Mind’s Eye rock-paper-scissors LARPing. When I went to college I joined a gaming club where several members attended weekend long (often over 4-day weekend holidays). It was in costume, in the woods, and I was…
I basically have [safe] sex with all my OKC/Tinder/Whaterever dates bc I can’t keep it in my pants, and this happened with one of them. I don’t know if it was slippage or intentional—there were a few cocktails, tho no one was drunk—but we were currently having p in v doggie style and all of a sudden I felt a sharp…
Am I the only one who thinks that in those clips with her with long hair it actually looks like poorly applies extensions? Like she’d had her current shorter hair for a while and Fox made her have lobger hair on air?
I do a deep clean maybe every 5 days. All my other near daily showers are me standing in the hot stream of hot water listening to an audio book pretending my job doesn’t exist.
I had a deep heart-to-heart one year woth one of my best guy friends (let’s call him Todd) about his white male privilege and he DID NOT—at first—take it well. As a poor kid raised by a single mom and still in debt from college loans, he was very resistant to the fact that his life was “privileged.”
Years ago I asked for a Kitchedn Aid mixer for Christmas. I asked for cherry red to match my blender. It arrives in the mail, I open it, and it’s. Hot. Pink.
Years ago I asked for a Kitchedn Aid mixer for Christmas. I asked for cherry red to match my blender. It arrives in…
In my 20's I probbaly would have left and immediately burst into tears, but now well into my 30's I just walk away or ignore them. My mantra is “it’s their problem, not mine.”
By now I have most of my friends trained, but mostly I get a lot of shit for doing things by myself. Dinner, movies, festivals! At the beginning of the month I go through suggested events on Facebook and Eventbrite and save anything I’m interested in. If I see something I think a friend might be down with I invite…
I only go with agroup to movies if it’s a big summer blockbuster and someone else organizes it. Otherwise I go solo. You can go see the movie you want, when you want, at the theater you want! Plus it’s just sitting in the dark for 2+hrs not talking, so I don’t get the backlash, but I get a lot of shit for it.
Because Spanx are awful? And it’s ok for women to look like they have bodies?
I hear you. I went home for a week from Boston to Philly to help my mom with my grandmother’s funeral, and on the day of, my roommates called me to let me know my beloved pet rabbit had had a sezuire and died. I was still two days away from traveling back to Boston so I had to call a friend to take care of my nugget’s…
My review of “The Crown”:
Queen Elizabeth II: Can I do this thing?
Parliament: No.
QE: Can I do that thing?
Plmt: No.
QE: Well, what about—
Plmt: Nope.
QE: Or...?
Plmt: NO.
QE: Well, what can I do?
Plmt: Lie back and think of England.
I had a nightmare that Hillary won but the trump supporters started riots and a handful of them were trying to pull me out my window to the street and bedlam below.
Didn’t I see Castiel in this briefly?
And “The Music Man.” Harold Hill: 10/10 would bang.
It’s been over a decade since I last had tequila. It was happy hour at a “Mexican” place and they were doing pitchers. I’d never had margaritas before and found them quite tasty. Too tasty. I don’t remember anything, but apparently I pulled my shirt down and rubbed my bra-clas tits on everyone, hit on my friend’s…
I believe that transwomen belong in women’s spaces. I believe that transwomen are women and always have been women. What’s hard for me is transwomen who have presented as men for a good amount of time, or still do, excelling in historically women’s spaces. Example: A transwomen who has presented as male for the first…