Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!
Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!
“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”
She should have mentioned intersectionality. Being a woman is not enough to have thoughts about femaleness and the social experience of being female.
.....Rhett Butler.....
I think trans women have a critical part in the discussion of women’s rights and feminism because they come from a unique perspective and face a separate level of almost openly tolerated discrimination that I, as a cis Black woman, can’t imagine facing.
You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.
Asshole man transitions into asshole woman.
I know. I’m having ‘Jamie Guilt’.
I can let you in on the secret. He is not the real Cary Elwes. The real Elwes has been retired fifteen years and living like a king in Patagonia.
Can’t I love all cross-genre covers?
This story should be filed under Kitchenette. I miss Kitchenette.
In all seriousness I went to girl scout summer camp (with horses) as a kid and it was the shit
I know this is a funny story but in all seriousness, Girl Scouts is a fantastic organization. When the Boy Scouts kicked out leaders who were gay, the Girl Scouts proudly supported their leaders. When the Boy Scouts loudly stated their organization was Christian based, the Girl Scouts said theirs was open to…
My husband’s grandmother at her 100th birthday party (attended by the city mayor): “I don’t let them give me flu shots. You have to give death a chance.”
Overheard at the scene,
I would have an opinion on the tampon, but I don’t really care what the box or packaging looks like. Just stop making scented ones, tampon companies. FFS.
I’m definitely taking my shoes off on an international flight. As long as my feet don’t smell and I’m wearing socks. But there is no way I’m wearing shoes for an entire 13-hour flight.
The door was a metaphor for their relationship, guys! Rose was always going to be able to go places that Jack couldn’t follow. They were trapped in two different worlds! Also doors have handles and Rose couldn’t have handled the judgment of society had she chosen him. Also doors are made of wood and while the sex was…