
It's gotta be the funniest conspiracy. It never fails to make me laugh.

Have you ever been to Redding?

I live in rice and almond country, and I agree, it's pretty absurd to drive over a rice field when you know we're in a drought. I see all of the fields and orchards and the water usage. The other side of the coin, though, is all the jobs the agriculture provides. I don't know. Big money, big jobs- it's going to be

Yeah, it definitely depends on region though. Look at Palm Springs usage. They're in the desert and pretend they're in tropical paradise. The wealthy consumers can afford to keep their lawns green and pools full throughout the whole state and live in denial.

I might believe in Morgellons. I don't know. My favorite conspiracy theory that's out there is the Moon Landing deniers. I get a big kick out of that one. Who knows, it could be true.

We definitely need a/c throughout our various valleys in California. We can go weeks above 100 during some summers. A lot of commercial buildings require a/c for circulation, as most windows do not open. It just gets too stuffy otherwise. It sucks when they crank it so low that you need a sweater indoors in July,

I had an area of pain that was not affected by the epidural at all. It helped when it came time to push but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't bear it, since the pain everywhere else was under control. Yeah, absolutely no experience is going to be the same for everyone and every baby. There's no way you can ever say

Yeah, I def attribute everything to luck of the draw in my case. I don't fool myself that anything I've done would work with any other kids.

Well, gotta replace the evaporating swimming pool water somehow!

Every lawn in the whole goddamn state? Dead? Shiiiiiit. Guess my neighborhood didn't get the memo.

Yep, they get all of our northern water and keep their green lawns and full pools. Drives me nuts. Also, landlords that require you to keep your lawn fully watered and municipalities that scream we need to conserve water but keep their landscaping green and perfect and their fountains running. This whole situation is

Exactly. Good luck!

Yeah, it's a good lesson for life. I didn't want mine to cry and think they could get their way, if I knew their needs were met.

When you are really feeling contractions, a big ol needle doesn't seem so bad...

4. Also, quit caring about what other people are doing. You ain't living their life, either, and you don't know what goes on behind their doors.

Yeah, my own freaking midwife told me to just get an epidural. She had four kids, so I listened to her and had a great old time.

Ways to avoid feeling like a shamed parent:

Mine were "I can eat all three pieces of pizza at my desk before lunchtime if I want to, that's the joy of being an adult."

What a teeny tiny little joy she is!

Not just Phoenix. Most Arizona police in my experience, even in Tucson, are really tough on jaywalking. They're actually really tough on just about anything compared to other places I've lived. Serious power trips. I got pulled over on I-17 for going 6 mph over the speed limit.