
If you like it without a doubt, that should be enough for you. If you have doubts, maybe you should keep exploring options. Everyone will have differing opinions, no matter what you decide on. Don't tell anyone what you decide on, until you name the baby, because there will always be someone who says something rude.


Our troop does both, although I didn't have my daughter go door to door. We have a big enough extended family that she doubled her quota without having to do that.

They'll do site sales soon if you don't have anyone to order from.

That's so sad. They're such a sense of pride for my immigrant neighbors, I know it would be heartbreaking if this continues.

I'm just not into sweaty, stinky genitalia, on myself or my partner. Clean, healthy privates are fine, everyone has a natural taste/smell. It's just not that difficult to go in and wash up if you've been particularly active or have gone without bathing for awhile.

Beautiful. I just died over him in Gattaca.

I don't even think it was about any movie Ben was in. I think people were mostly reacting to his terrible relationship with JLo.

They live in Idaho on a hunting preserve. So, pretty much, yep.

No, they live in Idaho. He lives in their house in Woodland, Ca.

Yep, nuts and raisins are good snacks for getting in the non-heme iron.

Use a cast iron skillet to cook your foods, particularly acidic foods. It will add more iron to your diet.

I love elderbulls. That dog has such a baby face! I'm so glad they are giving him the loving home he deserves.

I think it's probably more that they are willing to exploit(?, not sure if that's the right word) their experiences for their viewing audience.

It's not going to be that flavor of hipster. It's the plaid wearing, beard having kind, I'm betting.

Yeah, I can see it going a few different ways. Some people are probably committed to the entire process, some probably think they're committed and give up, wasting a bunch of good meat, and some probably would have it done for them.

It also depends on what kind of hunting you're doing, if you're sitting around or not. Duck hunting in a blind, yeah. Hunting for elk requires quite a bit of hiking.

My husband and his friends get together and process the meat they kill. It's a lot cheaper than paying someone to do it for them.

My friend used to say, when he got caught masturbating in the shower, "It's my penis and I can wash it as fast as I want!"

I used to go to a mall that had a space rented to the local animal shelter and it was awesome. It was set up like a nice living room, with furniture donated from a local furniture store. You could sit on a comfy couch or chair and they had a rotating number of shelter cats just hanging out in there. Kind of a cool