
Also, kindergarten, they're still babies! I can see a second or third grader ruining it, but these were 4 and 5 year olds.

I don't love it, but it's a tradition of Christmas for some families. I just remember sitting in my daughter's classroom and a little girl telling everyone, "My mom says Santa is your parents." Really? It was just sad because that child had a lot of sadness and otherness to deal with, (her father had murdered her

Just make sure that she doesn't ruin it for her whole kindergarten class, please.

Seriously. I know wives who won't even sleep in the same bedroom that their husbands shared with ex or late wives.

Diluted vinegar is good on a burn, too.

Just buy at site sales, then. Most grocery stores will have GSs stationed out front.

That's just stupid on the parents' parts. The selling is the easy part. Delivering that shit is a bitch.

That's the easiest hairstyle, too! Hot roll it and go.

Yes, my little white children are actually by far minorities in their school and I wouldn't be surprised if their styles began to be influenced by the culture they're immersed in. Not saying this is the case for LDR, obviously, but this is a little stupid.

Weird. I totally forgot about those vinyl pads until I read your comment. Wow, flashback.

My kids never ask for anything. They're kind of boring like that.

I didn't want you to be right, either. :(

I think it's a hoax.

This photographer out of Prescott is good and has a great personality.

Oops, I didn't realize the link wasn't there.

I don't know if you've read this. They interviewed his mother.

He lives in Woodland, on Matmor. I don't think he graduated hs, even, from what I've read.

That's really good to know. Thanks! My daughter spent her $17 on the thing about 2 weeks ago. :)

Especially when his address has been posted all over the internet. I've been pretty surprised about that, myself.