
This comment thread is going to show up on an MRA forum board in the future as evidence of the Femicratic Femtocracy’s plan to overthrow the Manocentric Mantocracy.

Wanda Sykes was onto something with her detachable vagina bit.

And so when we’re nice, we open ourselves up for stalking. And when we are honest and blunt, we get all kinds of bad stuff.

This is true. And it also sucks.

They also don’t get that we can’t tell who is a rapist and who isn’t until they try to rape us or have a history/record/reputation, and even then we’re usually expected to give people the benefit of the doubt.

(This message will self destruct in 15 minutes for dox reasons.... if I remember)

What most men don’t get is that we understand that it isn’t all men, but ALL WOMEN HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS. Or, as twitter says, #notallmen but definitely #allwomen.

I am positive there are some women who aren’t comfortable doing that, and I imagine there are probably some men too.
That being said, it’s totally a fine thing to do if both parties consented and are comfortable with. I find it sexy, but I would never ever pressure a partner to do that with me if they weren’t

Kane’s rape accusation is still being investigated. They had three or four articles on it on Jezebel or linked on Jezebel from Deadspin, when it first broke and the week after. There’s nothing current to report.…

I remember a Deadspin article that put NFL players below the national average for domestic violence. Same with NBA players. But they are certainly muuuuuch more famous than everyone else committing crimes and they shape a narrative people are comfortable with so...

I love sports. I really do. But I am sick to death of entitled, aggressive athletes. As a woman who loves sports, the culture makes me rage-y. I just want to enjoy some sports action where the participants aren’t raping, beating, and murdering people.

TBH, it would require the entire Jez staff to keep on reporting all the athlete rape cases.


I am getting this bad feeling he didn't mean it when he told her they should work on their relationship.

I agree! Ban tattoos! Everyone do scarification instead! IT IS FAR MORE NATURAL.

(I obviously don’t actually agree but I find your amount of hyperbole amusing.)

I really really hope this is what happened.

This makes me sound kind of mean.

Oh for godsake, Ed. I can’t keep attempting to sort of defend you if you’re going to do dumb shit like this. >:(

(Although I guess at least he has a sense of humor about everyone saying his tattoo is very bad? That’s good I guess?)
