I’m assuming it’s a flea shampoo where there is a waiting period before rinsing. Definitely a professional facility like a groomer or shelter.
I’m assuming it’s a flea shampoo where there is a waiting period before rinsing. Definitely a professional facility like a groomer or shelter.
Last weekend was very hot so I drizzled some cold water on my cats. I thought they would hate it, but they loved it. It was as if I had taken them to a water park they were running around and playing and shaking it off. Who knew?
And? Look, I’m not stupid. I’m fully aware that cats don’t talk. Cats make a variety of noises. Sometimes people think those noises sort of sound like words. What does it hurt to tell people on the Internet about how my cat sometimes made cat-noises that sounded like people-noises? I know he wasn’t really talking, but…
Gifs: peak of human achievement! It’s probably all downhill from here.
The cat I had as a child would say “out” if he wanted to go outside. If he wanted an inside door open, he would open it. He was a smart big ole asshole.
If it’s a flea bath, the shampoo may need to soak in for a few minutes, which is why the person is saying “We’re almost done.” But, yeah, poor kitty. I once had a long-haired cat that refused to clean herself except for one spot on her side and one spot on her face, and until we got a kitten who enjoyed grooming her,…
My sister’s cat once called me Mommy. It was surprising. Especially because I”m not the cat’s mommy.
When I clip my cat’s nails, I have to ambush her with a blanket or towel and wrap her up like a burrito. then extract one paw at a time. She gives an unearthly yowl the whole time, while trying to bite me through the cloth. When I let her go, she’s indignant and runs off, until treats are procured as a peace offering.
One time my cat got left outside overnight during a rainstorm. (I tried to get her inside but couldn’t find her in time. Thankfully she found shelter somewhere). The next morning I opened the door to go looking for her again, there she was at the door looking a lot like a wet poofball. I let her in and said “Hi,…
Right? Stop taking the video and FINISH, geez, the poor thing.
Our bathing policy has been published. Woe to the human that tries to bathe a cat. Once the revolution comes they will be subjugated to poop scoopery.
My cat lived to be 14. (I got him when I was 14 and was devastated when he died because I’d had him for literally half my life.) Aside from the usual meowing, purring, and chirping, he could “say” no, now, and Mom.
Well, that freaked out everyone in my house (which is to say, two large dogs and a cat.) Especially the cat. Super-concerned.
Awww, poor kitty. It’s almost over! Looks like it just needs one more rinse. This little guy is very nearly as clear as the famous “no no” cat...
She’s taking out a restraining order on the woman in the video as we speak.
Kitty will get his revenge. They always do...
Aw, c'mon. She's cold. Give her a warm water rinse and a towel-dry.
My friend’s fluffy cat had some kind of dandruff problem (I don’t remember what the actual problem was, this happened when we were 10) so she had to give him a shower. He did not appreciate it. It sounded like the ghost of a cat.