I say pay them.
I say pay them.
As a black queen, I find most people think they get shade but they don’t. Also, I want to constant “offend” people by telling them that being factual isn’t the same as being shady.
It’s not just GT; it’s all those Eastern schools that were built by slaves and supported by slave labor and so forth. And you call out at the end, that $1.5b endowment multiplies by the 100's when you add in ivy fucking league and all the rest. Clearly, all descendants of slaves should have free k-college school…
I haven’t watched Confirmation yet, but I remember the RL events. I was young and I had my first “real” job. I was a data entry clerk for an exterminator, making a whopping $5/hr to type hand-written service reports into a PC.
Not teaching will feel amazing. I took several months off a year ago and swore I wouldn't go back. I had to, for financial reasons. Now, God willing, *crosses fingers* it looks as though these last two months will end with my permanent break from teaching :)
Huh? I was agreeing with you. The irony being that men as a class have the power to enact their hatred on women and then dare to have hurt fee-fees when women respond with distrust. The irony being that men have immense amounts of power and yet are fragile as fuck. I’m on your side here.
Fuck zoos.
No, it isn’t. Look at history. Look at most of the globe. Women are treated like shit. They are hated, and they are killed simply for being female.
You know why they do that? Because they don’t even bloody notice the emotional labor that the women are performing for them ALL. THE. TIME. So they only acknowledge the sex and the sammiches. I avoid reading those kinds of comments, because it would give me a rage stroke, but I used to listen to my clients talk about…
The people who did this have probably been ensconced in academia so long that they’re completely insulated from how the rest of the world works. The Chancellor probably said something like, “This is going to hurt our enrollment and fundraising, can’t we fix it?” and her staff then scrambled around trying to find…
Another thought is that this behavior is enabled by the ongoing militarization of the police post 9/11. I don’t remember the original source, but I recall reading about this and what struck me was (paraphrasing) “the main objective of the police is to serve and protect the public. The main objective of the military is…
ive only seen it once and i liked it- my mom was so pissed at the end though. she was like WAIT THEY DIED? and i was like uhh bitch? have you been watching the whole fucking movie and did you read the title????????
Not really, just commenting on a statement that seems completely at odds with the facts. It’s great she survived, but I think it was more down to grit and luck than wisdom.
I'm with you there, first signs of an actual civilization ending apocalypse and I am throwing an end of the world party with all the best vices.
Wisdom is knowing what IS a mistake and what to do (and not). :)
He is so salty and petty. He just can't stand that she's moved on to better things. Typical ain't shit person.
He’s in pain and wants something to blame. Sometimes shitty things happen to good people through no fault of their own. So many people have a difficult time accepting this. I feel for him. Until he starts putting other people in danger, like he is doing here. That’s where my sympathy for you ends, Bob.
I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.
For an African-American woman to have her own political voice and own political position, and to believe that our perspective should be added to the conversation, was just something they hadn’t even considered.