
Anthropology is not for the weak!!

My husband just told me that after that fight when they went upstairs without us, Bob said, “women, you can’t live with them, you can’t shoot them.”

Aw :-(

When a guy does that in front of others it’s not on accident. Doubt he is even bothered by her past. He’s doing it simply to embarrass her. This is a guy carrying a lot of resentment in that relationship. Not a good sign.

Not gonna lie, at the beginning of your story I thought it would be a sex thing but more along the lines of a letter to penthouse. I hate when people put their partners down in front of other people, it is disrespectful to everyone. My parents did that more and more towards the end of their marriage and it was like

Now playing

THIS. Never thought I could love a local band so much. Has my grunge all a-feeling.

I wanted to rule the world, as it’s malevolent Empress, which I imagined meant getting to wear a bitching outfit like all the Disney villians. It’s still my dream, if I’m being perfectly honest.


Considering that I was a monster to my little sister from like, ages 2-6 (I’d hit her, or bite her), and I quite often had daydreams about killing people as a pre-teen, I’d say this really doesn’t indicate a tendency towards becoming a sociopath. Empathy is actually one of my strongest personality traits as an adult.

Also white, and I once had a major brain fart at the self checkout and got all the way to my car before realizing that I hadn’t paid for my cart full of stuff. I quietly slipped back into the store and paid and nothing ever came of it.

Funny thing is that the cause of the brain fart was irritation at how a minority was

Not shocked by this bullshit as I have not shopped at a CVS in about 2 years after an employee nearly knocked over a display as she was racing through the store to follow me while I was shopping. And then had the nerve to call a manager for ID verification when I was using my debit card. So when the manager asked

In high school, I was kind of an outcast. I was the only Black girl in my entire high school of 400 students, so I had difficulty making friends. One day, these popular girls (basically the Fashion Club from “Daria”) asked me to join them at the mall. We were walking around The Gap when I noticed a salesgirl following

I’m busy here counting up all these racist as fuck receipts from companies, government agencies and just recently one made about a former president. How many do we need to collect before it matters? Where’s the major media coverage on Nixon’s deliberate drug war on blacks? Are they waiting for more receipts? Until

This happened with a co-worker of mine. She was looking at bags and the lady working that section was on top of her everywhere she went. How do people not realize how hurtful this is for people to be criminalized for just living and doing normal things? Let alone the fact that it's all so wrong.

The irony is that she'll most likely be killed by another white person. #whiteonwhitecrime

“spirituality acts as some kind of self-help/self-indulgent/selfish bullshit.”

EXACTLY. We sure as *fuck* don’t each CREATE OUR OWN UNIVERSE, like the ‘secret’ nonsense.

People have filters, and it’s good to be aware of them, sure, yet we all share in this mess of a world and reality. Apparently some need a pollyanna

I know what you mean. Just goes to show that regardless of whether it’s organized religion or spirituality or a freakin’ knitting circle, selfish assholes can twist any sort of concept that is meant to stand for or promote community or love or enlightenment into self-serving bullshit. Whether it’s Christians using

I used to know a dude years ago who was way into Kabbalah and meditation. He told me my deep depression and suicide attempts were all my fault bc I was wishing the negative energy of the universe onto myself and deep down I wanted to be sick and dying. “If you wanted to feel good, you would!” Fuck that guy.

Look at all the people who take what’s written in The Bible as fact. The Secret has nothing on that book.

“Spirituality” has made some of the most monumentously selfish people evangelically selfish. Selfishness as a religious experience. I’m all for self care and self love and no one loves a good boundry like I do. But if the road to your own bliss bisects the highway to Assholeville drive right by me