
Yeah, but in my high school science class, the textbook had to have a sticker saying that evolution was just a theory. Because of the school board. It’s amazing how you can defend institutionalized ignorance if you really try.

Look when you’re a privileged person having actual consequences to your actions is horrifying experience. We should all be so lucky that we never feel our privilege torn from us by our own shameful actions.

As a Southerner, I want to be able to say this isn’t true, but I can’t. It makes me sick. I follow our local news channel on FB, and reading comments about various things makes me think we’ve fallen out of time and landed back in the 60s, and some of the sheer ignorance people spew is just astounding, period. I

This is truth. Enough with allowing people to distance themselves from this new white hate movement. All of those people there support white hate if they didn't walk out.

If you’re at a rally and black students get kicked out and you don’t walk out, too, you’re a damned racist. The rest of the audience is all guilty in my mind.

My husband’s grandmother at her 100th birthday party (attended by the city mayor): “I don’t let them give me flu shots. You have to give death a chance.”

It’s hard, though. Because I fee like the mentality is that “everything’s fiiiiiine.” Inequality between resource distribution hushed away because if it were really so bad, why wouldn't these people get better jobs/move to a better area/stop having kids they can't afford to do the previous two things? People are too

Hiya! I have a burner b/c I wasn’t good and didn’t write down my key like I was I told to do. Happy Saturday night!