Patricia Hernandez

@edhe (xbl): I'm pretty sure that he never said it was a life choice but thanks for clarifying a point of non-contention. If people can say they're excited, why cant Bedlam say he's skeptical?

@770312: I'd say reviews are making it impossible for new players to gauge wether or not this is a good title for them. Most of them amount to "this is the Halo you know and love, only better." Which is to say I think almost all the reviews I've read are written for Halo players which will end up buying the game

@excaliburps: I think this might be the first COD I buy, the multiplayer modes—gun game and bullet chamber or whatever that one is called—sold me. I love that sort of bullet? That's ridiculous and awesome. WAGING to win? Blood rush.

@RockManX: That shouldn't be an issue. You have two turrets to start off with on top, and 3 ammo crates which replenish themselves at least once. Not to mention that you should have full ammo before you go up there because there's a handful of crates and upgrades on the first, I think you did it wrong. D:

@Eskobar: Overheating too fast? Are you serious? It recharges within seconds!

@legendnthemaking: I love everything about it except one thing: that you will not stick to cover after a slide if you're going up against cover for a few seconds. Having to press a button in the middle of that sort of breaks up the 'in the moment' flow. I know folks have issues with sticky cover, but couldn't they

@AgentSmithAndWeston: Shinji Mikami has stated that the ciggarette acts as a sort of aggro stick for mechs/enemies.

@Helis: I only fly on United and they also have the touchscreens that let you listen to music, movies and TV shows completely free of charge and on the economy seating, too.

@sensuitomo: I "believe" it because it's true?

@Fernando Jorge: Not yet! Hopefully. Another wannabe game designer right here.

@Paddy Maxson: Didn't RPS compare Fable's combat system to DA2?

@DY357LX: One is going to be released in October, I believe. DA Ultimate edition, comes with all the DLC and expansion.

@paranoidmarv: DA2 is not a reboot. They've gone on record stating that they are interested in lore-building, world building. That's why they're not continuing the story of the warden, and they're probably not going to continue Hawke's either: they're interested in telling us how the world got to the brink of war, and

@PunkyChipsAhoy: It was not announced that the Morrigan storyline would be closed. The origins storyline is going to be closed, ie the end of the line for the warden.

@normandygahn: No. How many fucking times. He is not related to Morrigan. At all. Hell you start off the game WITH YOUR MOM and your sister. Also as a commentator stated, the demon baby is being conceived when Hawke is at Lothering.

So, you know how the media always takes a game and calls it a murder simulator, and it's always a stretch, right? Well, not anymore: there's an indie game in development which is exactly that: a murder simulator, and you can play as either a character of your creation or preset people like Ted Bundy (seriously). If

@MetalSonic7: It was quite terrible, actually. Not at all like battlefield, there was no strategy involved—it always came down to who saw the other person first and classes or complex loadouts...the maps are way too small. Your health is ridiculously low.

@ttocs: It is as repetitive as you make it, but sincey ou can get through with button mashing you aren't required to figure it out.