@rfriaz: I think as long as gamers demand only that games be "fun" over everything else, we'll never reach a high art/low art (or common consumer products) dichotomy in video games.
@rfriaz: I think as long as gamers demand only that games be "fun" over everything else, we'll never reach a high art/low art (or common consumer products) dichotomy in video games.
@Kobun: I don't think she was asking if they're consumer products, period, but more of is this all they can be? And why is that? Why do gamers submit to the status quo of business, as if it has anything to do with us?
Most games are looking to be sold as services right now, I think, not products....and I think gamers are definitely making that happen. We look at those 60 bucks and demand that every single penny is "worth it" and this often means expecting online multiplayer, patches, DLC support, social networks, expansions, apps,…
@Gaucho85: Idunno, that's sort of your fault. That dungeon is completely optional, you didn't even have to go into that room.
@ironman347: He's not. Bioware has already confirmed this.
@Batman: I have a DA2 roundup that you might be interested in, not really doom and gloom and goes over some finer details of the game that people may have missed.
@MRMATT: Hey, I'm not arguing for or against here. I'm more for, I think people need to realize WHO these guys are—do you think most people know the Tier 1 guys are the same people spoken about on the wikileaks document? It's worth noting. What you think about that is yours to decide, but I still think its important…
@Japutie: There have been a couple of places around the web that put the pieces together, but honestly, reading the actual documents are your best bet.
@arionfrost: I think you got a very wrong impression from those folks. No one is pretentious except maybe D-K.
@_LarZen_: You, sir, will do wonders in advancing the stereotypes about gamers.
I'm just going to leave this here.
@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: I did say it took more than one person. If you have 3 people who you cannot kill, then again, you sort of deserve to have the moneyball come crashing down.
@Chewblaha: COTW right there
@Rachet20: You are the reason people hate this game.
@Sylar will take the power from Crecente's hair: That's not actually a big problem. Do you know how long a pro has to be shooting continuously for the ball to drop? And it can't be just one person, either. Honestly if the other team manages to do that, you sort of deserve to lose.
@Eskobar: While you mentioned a lot of things for a description of "nothing else," I'm going to say that EA realizes this too, and that's why they picked the current setting: not to do it justice, but because it'll be controversial and that might sell some more copies.
@Sakilla: Hmm, well I did that too...but not right away. My first run through a new block is always focused on getting to the teleport beacon ASAP, and then going back up to try to clean the floors.
@Sakilla: For me Nyx was ridiculously easy. Then again, I powered through Monad too, which is the optional hard level...
@legendnthemaking: So then how is it surprising that it's doing bad? You just gave the diagnostic, doctor.