Patricia Hernandez

What you're describing fits fine within the parameters of love as a poverty....mind, it's not the conventional usage of the word, ie, it's not being used with a negative connotation.

The foundation I suppose would be democratization, but ultimately, even if there wasn't....why does there need to be? The point is that it would be fluid, and I think that might be violated a bit if there were some overarching tenets/would limit what people can put forward.

Courtesy of and Wikipedia and also for the sake of simplicity in an already almost 4k word article. :)

Don't see why flaunting is inherently a bad thing! Certainly, maybe, an annoying thing for others. Or why good actions have to be intrinsic, that's essentially a philosophical question (and at the heart of gamification).

Ah, but see, that idea of the linkage of the Aum to the lost generation isn't's frequently cited, if you click on some of the links up there a couple link 'em. Hard to argue with the timing + the role that the Aum fulfilled, too, I think.

Not a sports fan, sorry! Or well, not a football fan.

I would, in fact, say that my idea here is essentially the democratization of religion! :O

The point was that I was asking her if she would. That has nothing to do with the actual outcome of the bible story, which I know, because as I said, I've read the entirety of the bible.

why is that not like, Jessica or something

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

There's never enough Persona loving columnists.

You've crushed my dreams.

The most important part about the whole thing, really! <3

oh my god i HATE Fuuka. Sorry, I'm going to have to get offended at that! :P

Sure thing, just send a link my way!

Hi, I wrote that preview and what I was implying was that Cole was given a deeper characterization this time around, there is definitely a focus on him—after all, that section revisits his hometown and also sees him having to deal with his lost stardom. Not that the writing in Gears 2, or Gears in general, was bad.

He's correct, though. This doesn't classify as terrorism and nobody seems to care, everyone is using that word anyway. It seems to have taken on a different meaning.

I'm just going to leave this here.

Why the christ did everyone start chanting USA, USA!! there? And then the commentator, 'saiyonara, bitch' :\

I can almost assure you that the TF2 playing is not the problem. You need to talk to him/engage with him to find out what it is. The TF2 playing is the consequence of something else going on.