I'd love to get into that beta early.
I'd love to get into that beta early.
I...don't know why I read the title as 'Hairless Heirloom' @___@
Man, the NGP is exciting—by virtue of games such as this—but at the same time, now that I've gotten older...I can't seem to play handheld games anymore. Even if they're better than the console games I'm playing. For example, I'm having a hard time commiting to Devil Survivor on the DS, even though it's probably the…
I feel like now action RPGs need to start flaunting deep roots in the RPG aspect to actually seem unique nowadays, since everyone seems to be going the DA2 route and, recently—who was it? Someone at Obsidian said that the current state of RPGs, which are turning more action based, is really where the genre wanted to…
Gonna throw down a few links here because I'm totes a whore. But hopefully interesting things to you guys, since its all gaming related!
Seriously? This is the first game where I don't feel the compulsion to keep playing. Not because it's bad but because it's so DENSE. Only so much I can handle in a sitting.
Thank god for the chainsaw nerf, otherwise that statistic would be WAY different. :P
Pistols only would be particularly impressive if you were using only snub pistol and, to top that off, no melees with the pistol. Did you guys use the boltok or the gargon?
He also didn't say there would be no new LI, judging by what I just quoted—that that was an oversimplification. :P
Why is this such a concern when they've said there WILL be new love interests and they could, potentially, be the m/f homosexual/bisexual options they're talking about? Before you're like NO BUT CASEY HUDSON SAID...! No. You're wrong (though it may not be your fault, just shoddy reporting of something he said before).…
They said that it's the first game to do what all other games hope to do: be indistinguishable from movies.
Added you to the waves, will add you to the blog in a sec.
Fantastic! I just need you to make a Wordpress account, send me the email you used to make said account and then I can add you to the blog. Then, you can post—though we have a 'one feature/article per day' schedule, so check with me first in terms of what dates would be best.
@BigManMalone: Great stuff. Would you be interested in writing for, or republishing your stuff on Nightmare Mode (nightmaremode.net)? We're all about writing critically and thoughtfully about games, and based on what I've read of yours on that blog, you'd be a GREAT fit.
Playing it with a full team of people versus actual opponents is a vastly different experience than SP or Coop. In fact I'd go so far as to say SP/Coop are the gimped experience in comparison: this game is meant to be played with other people who are communicating and working toward the objective.
Brink launches on Tuesday. You don't, however, have to wait until Tuesday to start thinking about your builds. Check out a full list of ALL the abilities available in the game—universal, soldier, medic, engineer and now, operative, here:
Wonder if this mode will make getting headshots in 3 even easier...?
You can apply that promotion to Brink on D2D as well, though it'll be more like 40 bucks instead.
I do believe that if you use the world sizzle as a promotional code on D2D you can get The Witcher 2 for like 33 bucks.