Patricia Hernandez

I posted this in tips a while ago, but..oh well. "Legitimately"?

Who cares about the winner, let's talk about the upset earlier in the tourney with Justin! Does anyone have their 2 cents to share on the matter?

@DoktorFunkenstein: I thought the ending was terrible, too—they give us the thing we care about the least! They never actually build up their relationship.

@Duuuuuuude: Awesome! We're trying to get our name out there, so we're pumping out as much good content as humanly possible. If you have suggestions, ideas, comments, etc you're welcome to reply and such, if not send us an email.

@AOClaus: No, I was initially playing the demo and it was an hour long, but then I went fuck it and just bought it anyway. But I was playing the demo yesterday and it was an hour...hmm...strange.

@MC Double Def DP: That is just about the best thing I've ever, ever seen.

That part where he's stopping Sagat is almost ridiculous. Then again, Zangief was pretty ridiculous in 4...dunno how much that changed in Super.

@AOClaus: The time limit isn't 30 minutes, it's 1 hour! :O

Interestingly, now that I'm an adult, and spend way more time playing games than I used to, yet I've developed an almost ridiculously long attention span. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with video games, and more about how I've started writing a lot more often and, being in school, too...

@Dnyde: I don't care about other games. Dragon Age did what other games fear to do, and the choice to not make you the center of the universe, to not glorify you in a way only a video game can. I like my choice of wish fufillment, that's why I play games like Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect. But Dragon Age was/is

@trunicated: I don't hate them, I just don't think they're used very well. Dragon Slime gets its own post, but not some other stuff that's pretty important but only gets a quicklink? I'm interested in both, but if you're going to quicklink something, make it the Dragon Slime!

@jayunreal: Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Survivor

@jayunreal: Why only by Nintendo? I'd suggest SMT DS for the DS if that wasn't the prereq...

Those of you that are unsure as to whether or not to buy Blacklight Tango Down, I've written my first impressions of the game here:

Oh shit! Now that I think about it, this game sounds like more Fable III than Fable III does. Your choices actually *will* shape everything around you, like in DA (and it's been somethign Molyneux has been raving, but failing to do, for years). And you're going to get some sort of power, assumably a throne. Hmm.

@Ursus-Veritas: Haha, okay, I'll concede you the last part.

@Chicken Pawks: You got tons of glory? In my game, no one knew who I was even though I was apparently royalty.

@Ursus-Veritas: I'd rather have a blank slate than a "person" whose job exists only to tell me how fuckin amazing I am no matter what I choose. Good Shepard = white knight. Bad shepard = badass. Dragon Age isn't like that all, but now that they have Hawke, they can personify him to be the medeival Shepard to tell you

"to become the single most important character in the world of Dragon Age."