I really appreciated these breakdowns of the calls. Friends and I were wondering exactly how one calls blocking or a charge, and Donaghy's discussion here is pretty helpful.
I really appreciated these breakdowns of the calls. Friends and I were wondering exactly how one calls blocking or a charge, and Donaghy's discussion here is pretty helpful.
You know, I just saw The Rock in G.I. Joe and was so, so disappointed he didn't ham it up and have fun with the role. I felt like he missed a huge opportunity, since all the Cobra characters (esp. Jonathan Pryce) seemed to have fun with whatever ridiculous thing they had to do.
Doing my best to make sure this gets all over the internet - retweeted, put on Reddit, put on tumblr, a million other things.
I only hope I can be as gracious and optimistic.
17 points & 11 rebounds in 29 minutes. Looks to me he spoke loudly on the court, independent of the two technicals.
I like it, but I wish it was easier to browse all the kinja blogs and see what everyone's creating. The tags don't carry across all blogs, do they?
They have an app for this: http://youarewhatyoulike.com/ Apparently I'm "shy and reserved." I somehow don't think that's accurate.
Yeah, I started a little something to say hi to people and share some interests of mine: http://ashok.kinja.com/
I'm really happy with the whole "anyone can blog here" thing. I feel guilty I'm not following a team or fanbase right now and trying to break some small story. Yeah, there are lots of people who talk trash about Deadspin, and I remember you in that recent interview calling it a "tabloid." I think this site is great…
Thanks for making sense.
I remember when Vick first got signed to the Eagles. I was scouring a Football Outsiders thread and it was just full of rage that he got a chance anywhere in the NFL. Only one guy, who claimed he worked with prisoners, talked about how Vick did his time and mentioned some other stuff about this "recidivism" thing if…
That was a really beautiful shot. Love the presence of mind to put up a high arc - that doesn't just get past the defenders, but I read in a profile of Dirk Nowitzski that high arcs increase accuracy.
I imagine there are lots of things that get massive advertiser dollars that no one is watching. What about all the bad college bowl games?